Nevertheless, the document is a step in the right direction, reckons Eduardo Giannetti, a professor of economics at the university of Sao Paulo.
For the first chunk of his career he was playing full-time for Botafogo while going to medical school at the University of Sao Paulo's campus in Ribeirao Preto.
Over 90% of local councils serve populations of fewer than 50, 000, each one typically getting almost nine-tenths of its revenues from higher tiers of governments, according to Eduardo Giannetti, an economist at the University of Sao Paulo.
Such improvements can cost less than 5, 000 reais per home, calculates Silvia Maria Schor, a housing specialist at the University of Sao Paulo, compared with the 22, 000 reais of public money spent on each home in schemes such as Project Singapore.
Rafael Eufrasio of the Catholic University of America and Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center and colleagues from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and the European Southern Observatory in Chile were interested in a number of regions away from the galaxy.
"The electricity used in building a car is about 20 percent of the cost of the structure, " said Marcilio Alves, an engineering professor at Brazil's premier University of Sao Paulo and one of the few independent researchers in the nation looking at car safety.
The University Network will include in its initial phase eight universities: Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), University of the West Indies (Jamaica), Cairo University (Egypt), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Temple University (USA), Beijing Tsinghua University (China), Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University (Morocco) and Queensland University of Technology (Australia).
"Poor neighborhoods are caught in the crossfire, " said Camila Nunes Dias, a professor at the Center for the Study of Violence at Sao Paulo University.
Shorn of its own candidate, the governing coalition would split between the two, reckons Gaudencio Torquato, professor of politics at Sao Paulo University, making the final result unpredictable.
But, says Antonio Carlos Ronca, the rector of Sao Paulo's Catholic University, the provao has forced slacker institutions to improve standards, or risk a tide of student defections to higher-scoring universities.
ECONOMIST: Latin American universities: Under examination | The