Women Vote, that was intriguing because it explored how the recession has impacted unmarried women .
Before the recession, unmarried women earned only 56 cents for each dollar earned by married men.
The unemployment rate for unmarried women is 12%, which is double the rate for married women.
Married women with children were twice as likely as unmarried women to forgive a cheater.
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But unmarried women are thought to account for just 30% of abortions, meaning the problem is broader.
Charles Blow in the New York Times wrote about the stakes for young, unmarried women in this election.
For unmarried women of the same age, the share of those without boyfriends is approaching 50 percent, a historical record.
Recent Census Bureau statistics show that the population of adult, unmarried women will soon surpass the number of married women.
There are some 10m unmarried women between the ages of 15 and 29 in Japan, many of them working in offices.
More than 40 percent of all babies born in the country last year, the report said, were born to unmarried women.
Ms Tenenbaum said this was unAmerican, but two days later he added that pregnant, unmarried women should not be allowed to teach either.
As Democratic pollster Celinda Lake revealed, only 38 percent of unmarried women turned out in the 2010 midterm elections, down from 60 percent in 2008.
Unmarried women account for 60% of all women without health insurance.
Over 40% of American children are now born to unmarried women.
Unmarried women were five times as likely to live in poverty as married men and four times as likely to live in poverty as married women.
How can the economic future for unmarried women be improved?
After steadily rising for five decades, the share of children born to unmarried women crossed a threshold in 2009, when more than half of all births to women under 30 occurred outside of marriage.
In the last few months, it has dropped the term from its website, and now refers to "old" unmarried women (which it classes as over 27, or sometimes over 30), but the expression remains widely used elsewhere.
But to truly move forward, educators, employers, policy makers, parents, entertainment leaders and young adults themselves need to join together in launching a national conversation about bringing down the childbearing rate of unmarried women and men in their 20s.
Democrats like this shift in demographics because, according to The Voter Participation Center (VPC), a Democratic-leaning nonprofit focused on increasing the voting participation of unmarried women, 61 percent of unmarried women who voted in 2010 cast ballots for Democrats.
The argument that Obama's slender re-election majority is better than Bush's rests on demographics--on the observation that the Democrats do better among racial and ethnic minorities and unmarried women, population subgroups that are increasing as a share of the electorate.
"In the United States, they say unmarried women want a Vera Wang gown, divorced women miss their Vera Wang gown, women remarrying are glad they can have a Vera Wang gown, " wrote user Wumei120 on the popular Sina Weibo microblogging platform.
The latest report from WVWV and the Center for American Progress (CAP) show that half of all American women are unmarried and that unmarried women are one of the fastest growing demographic in the United States, accounting for roughly 25% of all adults.
Also, while historically unmarried women are statistically more likely to vote for Democrats than married women, the number of unmarried women has now surpassed the numbered of married women as of August 2011 the U.S. Census Bureau says 51.1 percent of women (18 years old and older) were not married.
Under a bright full moon, dozens of young, unmarried village women gather in a circle, join hands and sing and dance all night under the direction of a lead singer.
The airlines originally hired nurses to serve as flight attendants, but by the postwar era, trained health-care workers were long gone and the airlines were looking for attractive, unmarried young women whose main duty would be to serve drinks and meals.
The interior ministry, under another Qassam man, has made the strip's new crop of hoteliers and restaurateurs sign declarations promising to stop unmarried men and women sitting together or listening to pop music.
In part because of these lower earnings and in part because unmarried and divorced women are the most likely to have responsibility for raising and supporting their children, women are more likely to be in poverty than men.
Of course most of these women were unmarried and childless, and at the time "business attire" meant long skirts and sleeves plus hats and gloves.