She also wondered if home would be a success or prove unpopular with users.
They had proved unpopular with head teachers, who protested they undermined efforts to maintain discipline in schools.
With ObamaCare more unpopular than ever, House Republicans voted last month to repeal it.
The idea here: look for unpopular funds trading at a discount to their net asset value.
That policy is also proving unpopular with resident crofters who say it is the wrong approach.
BBC: Possible European court challenge on crofting evictions
Mr. NAYDER: This is Piranha Man from Pakistan, one of our most requested unpopular artists.
However unpopular, its decision not to cut rates was at least steady and understandable.
In fact, emerging market stocks were down 20% through November making them particularly unpopular these days.
Nuclear energy is unpopular, to put it mildly, following the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.
George W. Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, completing his terms but enormously unpopular.
There were no hometown parades for us when we came home from that unpopular war.
Gun-control regulations tend to be popular in cities and unpopular, often deeply so, in rural areas.
Reforming the Czechs' pension system and their health service will be necessary but unpopular.
Concern for Labour who, even when the coalition is so unpopular, found themselves an irrelevant fourth.
It also does a great job of illustrating why business travel is becoming increasingly unpopular.
FORBES: Business Travelers Gone Wild: Does Business Travel Lead to Divorce and Alcoholism?
Obama won big with his healthcare law, despite it being unpopular for a while.
FORBES: Unions To National Democratic Politicians: Who Needs You?
Another unpopular group gets some sympathy in this article in the Academy of Management Perspectives.
Ordinarily, copyright interests are careful to select small, obscure, or unpopular defendants for precedent-setting cases.
But many people would agree that the night raids are deeply unpopular, our correspondent says.
BBC: Clinton defends US Afghan policy after Karzai criticism
It does a really good job sorting out popular from unpopular, and that encourages good behavior.
FORBES: With Obama Under Its Belt, Reddit Sets Sights On Mitt Romney, Kim Jong Eun
The CEO can also distance herself from an unpopular decision by blaming the consultants.
"We had a toxic mixture of a losing team and unpopular players, " says Allen.
This year marks the return of the rat, normally an unpopular sign as well.
ObamaCare, already unpopular, emerged as the most damaging issue for Democrats in the 2010 congressional election.
Though unpopular, TomTom maintains that the employment of its data for so-called speed traps was legal.
FORBES: TomTom CEO: 'Very Limited Impact' From Speed Trap Controversy
They solved the problem through unpopular labour market reforms and years of stagnant wages.
Higher taxes have hit the consumer and the new property tax has been deeply unpopular.
At an equivalent stage in her presidency, his predecessor, Michelle Bachelet, was similarly unpopular.
The federal government's moratorium on new deepwater drilling is very unpopular in the region.
Removing the subsidy and passing on the cost of gas to consumers was necessary but unpopular.