With so many young, unskilled workers looking for work, employers can pick and choose.
FORBES: The Minimum Wage Delusion, And The Death Of Common Sense
Permit freer trade in skilled labor (and pathways for unskilled for that matter): Bright foreign Ph.
FORBES: How to Swap the Obama Budget for an Optimistic Economic Growth Agenda
But it also tilted the country towards unskilled sorts of work, where productivity is low.
ECONOMIST: Rigidities in the labour market make recovery even harder
But Cherry is an app company with a labor intensive service attached, and needs unskilled labor.
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The Industrial Age was largely about making those jobs as menial and unskilled as possible.
All this means that the homes can be built very quickly and with unskilled labour.
Immigrants make up nearly one-fifth of the work force, mainly in agricultural and unskilled jobs.
Business people view engineers as lazy code monkeys and engineers view business people as unskilled taskmasters.
Overcoming differences between white and brown, skilled and unskilled may take more than money.
Germany has around 1.5m unfilled job vacancies, some 40% of them for unskilled or semi-skilled workers.
Workers of all ages that are relatively unskilled are adversely impacted by this policy.
The second problem is that unskilled whites tend to go into the wrong line of work.
Another problem is that it includes many unskilled workers who work in knowledge industries.
It aims to build infrastructure, slash red tape, boost exports, and create more unskilled jobs.
ECONOMIST: The South African state has a welcome fiscal problem
About 70% of unskilled rural black women in South Africa are unemployed, according to one estimate.
Republicans would like to allow skilled immigrants into the U.S. but not the illegal unskilled.
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Skilled computing staff are in short supply, as are builders and even unskilled manual workers.
An unskilled worker at the factory is paid a few thousand dollars a year.
The ill-educated and unskilled are worst hit, but even they have more possessions these days.
Wages for unskilled jobs as security guards or in fast-food joints are edging up.
This may make for a safer industry, but it threatens to leave a large, unskilled workforce unemployed.
Even for unskilled jobs, the costs of high turnover may be greater than the cost of treatment.
It was not so much a fear of crime, nor even the country's inflexible and unskilled labour market.
It has had to contend with a greedy middleman, unskilled workers, labor unrest, bad press and threatened suits.
But Labour also hinted that unskilled workers would no longer be able to work their way towards citizenship.
Moreover, those who fare worst among the workers will be the unskilled, least able to fend for themselves.
The company hired unskilled labourers to do many technical jobs, and provided little in the way of training.
Furthermore, businesses that employ unskilled staff have been hit by steep rises in the minimum wage since 2003.
Given South Africa's high unemployment, unskilled workers are easy to replace, but skilled and semi-skilled workers are not.
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Yet the study concluded that wages and employment among the city's natives, including the unskilled, were virtually unaffected.