The minister could not ask Mr Ramsay to stand down, but the college chairman said his position had become untenable as a result of Mr Russell's "public outbursts".
But consider that the absence of trust with a co-worker creates an incredibly unhappy, stressful, and untenable environment for a person.
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Because of the potential for unknown side effects, "it is untenable to recommend a drug or nutraceutical in the absence of efficacy evidence simply because it could possibly help and initially appears harmless, " Lon S. Schneider, M.
They express serious concerns about the implications of the decision for future awards and that the committee was being put in a position that was "essentially untenable" in having to recommend that a student in Wales would get a different grade to a student in England despite achieving an identical mark.
BBC: GCSE English regrade 'damaging', Welsh government warned
Although Mr Adams has ruled out a withdrawal from the Stormont executive, he said Mr Trimble's ban was "untenable" and is seeking a meeting with the first minister.
Enron and WorldCom led to Sarbanes-Oxley, which was then deemed a wholly untenable burden on public companies.
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"It's an untenable position to put a state in, " Delaware's Democratic Gov. Tom Carper told The New York Times.
CNN: AllPolitics - States Must Pay Minimum Wage For Workfare
But one of those boys is going to win and the other will lose, and that will just be a nearly untenable spot for the parents.
For a shop floor worker, walking around with a laptop was untenable, so the iPad made tons of sense.
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It seems too big a task and untenable.
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That is because, at a moment when plummeting polls might have made his position untenable, his standing with the American people seemed to find a new level.
For Sir Martin, the prospect that he would not be able to run the business he was buying for a chunky premium was untenable.
He is sending more lives into a situation that is untenable.
Ferguson says that if rates were to rise just slightly, we could soon be spending 20% of our tax revenues on interest payments, a situation that would be untenable.
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Ms. ARENS: Even if you accept postmodern literature pastiche as a kind of deconstruction of an untenable political viewpoint.
The currency system has become increasingly untenable over the past year as Myanmar, a nation of about 60 million people, embarked on an economic overhaul aimed at attracting more foreign capital and modernizing its economy, which still doesn't widely use ATMs or credit cards.
But even this safety valve approach is probably untenable as devices get smaller and sharing becomes more a seamless part of life.
Once the reports are released, Wiranto's continued presence in the cabinet will likely become untenable. (Wiranto did not respond to a request for an interview.) The military's top brass is "very nervous" about the possibility of an international human rights tribunal on East Timor, says Maj.
He called for Congress to take a close look at whether conglomerate ownership creates untenable conflicts of interest.
This voluntary enrolment reflects a realisation among some haredim that the situation is untenable.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister bows again to the religious right
In 1996, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in a case known as Chahal that this system was untenable.
But the Zimbabwean's future became untenable after the team were booed off the pitch on Tuesday after a humiliating defeat by South Africa confirmed their exit from the World Cup.
"The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner's continued service in Congress is untenable, " DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, also calling it a distraction.
CNN: Weiner to seek treatment amid growing pressure to resign
And I think the odds that they will be gone from the euro in a few years are very high and it's simply untenable to be in recession for so long.
Thus a person who serves as a director for two publicly held companies could find himself in an untenable legal situation-with the two companies having complied in very different ways.
Thus a person who serves as a director for two publicly held companies could find himself in an untenable legal situation--with the two companies having complied in very different ways.
Vaughan believes such a defeat would make under-pressure Ponting's position as captain untenable.
With a growing number of elderly relying on a shrinking workforce, the existing system of care inside the family appears untenable.
We beseech policy makers in Washington to study a range of reform approaches that aren't burdened by as many untenable assumptions as Accountable Care Organizations, and go well beyond them in their aspirations.
WSJ: Christensen, Flier and Vijayaraghavan:The Coming Failure of 'Accountable Care'