"The defendant was untruthful with many falsehoods and lies, " Justice Department prosecutor Alan Gershel said in his closing argument.
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Ravi, he said, was boastful, untruthful, and obsessed with being perceived as wealthy.
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Speaking to the same news agency, a spokesman for Mr Sarkozy's office described the allegations in the new book as "scandalous, unfounded and untruthful".
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Hargrove allegedly participated in the bounties and eventually acknowledged their existence to the league, but only after initially being untruthful to investigators, the league said.
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He has been untruthful about his positions with the American people.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
Beyond providing the tired (but not necessarily untruthful) quip that this event defies both medical science and every known actuarial table, there must be a deeper significance here.
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Hargrove "actively participated in the program" as a Saint and obstructed the league's investigation by "being untruthful, " the statement said, while Fujita pledged "a significant amount of money" to the program.
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Mr Justice Holroyde said the SFO lawyer had been untruthful in her evidence on this specific point - but that her actions at the time had not affected the fairness of the trial.
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But on Friday, Seminole County Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. ordered Zimmerman back to jail, accusing him of being untruthful about how much money he had access to when his bail was set months earlier.
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