Perched up high on the hill of Montmartre in the 18th arrondissement, it has a panoramic view of Paris, encompassing the grey roofs of the city skyline as well as the Tour Montparnasse, Les Invalides and the Eiffel Tower, lined up perfectly from left to right along the horizon.
Current and former Apple employees didn't show up as high on the list as one might expect, given the amount of wealth the Cupertino company has created for a number of early employees.
Despite his conviction that stocks will remain in a bear market until a retest of the lows and a strong move up on high volume, Martchev's portfolio is currently 70% long on stocks.
On a broader level, reputations of individuals and companies have been unfairly damaged by anonymous comments and posts on the Internet, so that, for example, phony negative claims about a company show high up on search results.
Outside, leaning out of windows high up on the fourth floor are men wielding paint brushes.
At last he came to the city of Quito, high up on the equator.
The more casual but definitionally equivalent really also appears high up on the list.
FORBES: How Mathematical Modeling Of Speech Text Can Predict Presidential Election Outcomes
And now they're up on high hilltops, 77-below wind chill factors in winter.
Investors worried about the eventual return of higher inflation (like us) are well-served to stock up on high dividend stocks.
High up on the wooden walls were honors boards marking the names of competition winners and club captains and other office holders.
Experts date this tale as far back as the Bronze Age, when warmer climates meant people could survive high up on the Alpine plateau.
Mr Williams said he had never seen it this bad and added it was affecting the station, which is built high up on the beach.
Load up on high-quality undervalued stocks and have a profitable holiday.
FORBES: Shoes Are Kicking But Nike Should Get Knocked Back Below $70
It will be used to ensure tower tours can take place safely and to confirm it is safe for staff and contractors to work high up on the scaffolding.
From high up on the mountain, the couple have a bird's-eye view of the farms and woods of Zebulon Valley, where Deanna was born and raised.
ECONOMIST: Recent American fiction: Where the wild things are | The
Nary a day goes by without some news impacting the rare earths sector, so put this one high up on your list of trading ideas for next week.
High up on the sixth floor, where he can look down on architect Renzo Piano's famous Pompidou plaza, IRCAM's director, Frank Madlener, describes what's going on down below.
While league and cup success with Atletico remains his priority, the opportunity to lead Colombia into battle at the 2014 World Cup is high up on the agenda.
The MCofS's safety adviser said patches of snow that survive into late spring and early summer tended to be hard and high up on sheltered, northern slopes of mountains.
BBC: Hillwalkers warned about mixing hard snow and toileting
Viewers were not only able to find the Oprah-branded offerings high up on the cable dial, but also interested enough to sample still more from the self-made billionaire.
Co-op bosses have stressed the loudspeakers are mounted high up on the shop fronts in an effort to prevent yobs from putting in the boot on Bach and Beethoven.
Users got fed up with high taxes on the manufacture of things like virtual T shirts, so they sent their avatars on strike, marching and carrying signs against their own world.
And how Washington works, for good or ill, is that people say, well who cares that there are lot of people for it, this is not very high up on their scale.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks on 'patients' bill of rights'
Does being high up on the organizational ladder cause bosses to be less stressed, or is it possible that people with less anxiety are more able to handle leadership roles, which gets them promoted?
FORBES: New Study: Leaders Are Less Stressed Than Their Subordinates
Ordinary Kenyans would not have been surprised to see top public figures included in the report, but they are sceptical that those high up on the public ladder will ever have to pay for alleged wrong-doing.
Of an evening, the young and well-heeled can be seen propped up on high stools tucking into pieces of nigiri or futomaki, accompanied by a glass of wine and even a cigar, an apparently mandatory male display of wealth.
ECONOMIST: The new yen for sushi may have further consequences
However, once I was in college, I was surprised to hear how people reacted to being rejected by a college and that their choices for safety or last-resort schools were ones I considered fairly high up on the totem pole.
Refurbish stores, don't give up on all high-end merchandise and stick to down market growth overseas.
He lives in a large, heavily shuttered house set up on unusually high stilts.