The President urges the Senate to confirm Richard Cordray to the head of that bureau.
It also urges the trusts to work together to shift more services into the community.
It urges the Kalenjin to "love your neighbours" and "if they wrong you, forgive them".
And so he strongly urges the leaders of Congress to take up legislation to eliminate those subsidies.
From the touch line he urges the European Central Bank to act as lender of last resort.
It urges the Department for Education to tighten its financial grip on these privately run but state-funded schools.
The group urges the public, and parliament, to give serious consideration to the full picture on smoking laws.
It urges the Foreign Relations Committee to recommend favorably the Ambassador's confirmation to the full Senate without delay.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Commending Senators Hagel and Chafee
Jongkie Sugiarto of the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries, a trade group, urges the central bank to reconsider.
Lord Smith urges the government to commit to long-term targets to remove almost all carbon pollution from electricity generation by 2030.
He urges the owners of other buildings where Fort Point is setting up offices to bring in Urban Media.
The petition urges the secretary of state for health to stop the closure of hospital services in west London.
It urges the government to encourage more employers to pay above the minimum wage so that workers can provide for their families.
In the mean time, Fox reality chief Mike Darnell urges the sea of reporters seated before him to keep perspective.
The report urges the committee to make recommendations on library services which should be discussed by a full council meeting.
It also urges the United Nations and the wider international community to act more decisively in protecting the peace settlement.
The report urges the government to ensure rigorous implementation of child protection laws and strict monitoring of child care facilities.
It urges the government "to send clear signals to employers and potential trainees about the value and nature of apprenticeship".
The Council urges the international community to support the Somali security institutions, in coordination with AMISOM, including through training and equipment.
She urges the British government to acquire ballistic missile defenses and encourages the United States to create a global missile defense.
The report, Overcoming the Defence Crisis, urges the government to launch a comprehensive defence review and commit itself in principle to a spending increase.
The AMA also urges the development and use of safe alternatives to BPA for the linings of infant formula cans and other food can linings.
The scrutiny report, drawn up by Romanian social democrat MEP Sabin Cutas, covers the bank's activities in 2009, and urges the bank to act more transparently.
SIFMA, the main trade organization for Wall Street, said that it backs a fiduciary standard and urges the Securities and Exchange Commission to propose one soon.
FORBES: Investor Alert: Broker-Sold Investment Trouble Spots
Rohan Masokorala, chief executive of the Joint Apparel Association Forum, a trade lobby, urges the government to talk to the EU with a view to meeting it halfway.
He urges the government to set up a veteran's administration.
The report, written by Romanian centre-right MEP Sebastian Bodu, urges the European Commission to come up with an EU-wide code of conduct to be followed by major European companies.
He urges the reader to "ride this baby out for as long as it takes" in a recipe for roasted onions, until crispy, pungent onion slices become silky and mild.
Voters seem confused about where Mr Sarkozy is heading, as he lays into capitalism with one breath even as he urges the French to become more competitive with the other.
ECONOMIST: The French voters blow a raspberry at their president