One proposed solution for long-term storage of used fuel is Yucca Mountain in Nevada.
The same is true of reprocessing: you can get plutonium out of used fuel.
But that doesn't address the problem of the need to cool the used fuel for five years before moving it anywhere else.
And a quiet milestone was passed earlier this year when gas equalled coal as the most widely used fuel for the generation of electricity.
The nuclear industry believes recycling the used fuel and turning it into Mox can help reduce the world's growing stockpile of plutonium, one of the most toxic substances known to humankind.
In the past, Russia has allayed western fears by belittling Iran's nuclear expertise, and drawing attention to an agreement whereby Russia would take back used fuel from the reactor at Bushehr.
Another advantage for Werner is the way it has used fuel surcharges to help maintain its profit margin, which averaged 8.1% for the first nine months of 2004, but hit 9.3% in the third quarter.
Used fuel that has been cooled in a spent fuel pool for at least five years can be put into a container called a cask and surrounded with inert gas, providing leak-tight containment, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The answer lies in its plant for reprocessing spent fuel, built partly to take used fuel from Germany and Japan (which largely paid for its construction) and partly to produce the plutonium that was once expected to be needed as fuel for fast-breeder reactors, in Britain and elsewhere.
Some 130 million are used as fuel, and 53 million go into civil engineering projects.
In SNG's case, the gas can also be compressed and used to fuel cars with internal-combustion engines.
And the fast-breeder type of nuclear reactor in which plutonium was used as fuel is no longer economic.
The amount of fertilizer used and fuel consumed and several other variables will differ for many of the bananas.
Investors had been further spooked by an explosive bubble in the uranium market, the metal used to fuel nuclear reactors.
The DRIVE Act would also help make electricity a widely used transportation fuel by encouraging the accelerated introduction of plug-in hybrids.
This deal has been used as fuel for other striking miners, namely Gold Fields and Amplats workers looking to get better wages.
Additionally, the pollution from oil and oil products when used as fuel is dramatically higher than natural gas, which would replace them.
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We can see house walls in and out decorated with cow dung balls stuck there for drying before being used as fuel in those homes.
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Over time they simply did a better job of making motorcycles that handled better, needed less maintenance, used less fuel and were priced more effectively.
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Carbon dioxide, blamed for global warming, is produced when fuels like coal and natural gas are broken down to make the hydrogen used in fuel cells.
French government scientists found that Mr Mas' implants contained the chemicals baysilone, silopren and rhodorsil - normally used as fuel additives or in the manufacture of industrial rubber tubing.
That material has been used to fuel nuclear plants.
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In a study completed late last year, Oak Ridge officials determined that the U.S. is at least 20 years away from large-scale reprocessing of used nuclear fuel, if it decides to pursue such technologies.
FORBES: U.S. To Bury Almost All Existing Used Nuclear Fuel; Recycling Deferred At Least 20 Years
With the share of natural gas used to fuel power plants expected to keep rising, gas producers are saying that between 29, 000 and 62, 000 miles of new pipeline is needed over the next 25 years.
The problem is that the sense of meaningful ethnic identity is evaporating, along with the passion that used to fuel Irish-American pilgrimages to the homeland, and so North American visits to Ireland are falling, falling.
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The United States long opposed the reprocessing of used nuclear fuel because of terrorism and proliferation concerns, but DOE began researching new reprocessing technologies in 2005, and the Obama Administration has remained open to new technologies.
FORBES: U.S. To Bury Almost All Existing Used Nuclear Fuel; Recycling Deferred At Least 20 Years
The Fukushima disaster along with the need to find a home for used nuclear fuel is pushing the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to better their emergency responses in case of radiation leaks.
Just as open data has been used to fuel multi-billion dollar industries in other sectors, like the weather industry that uses raw satellite data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has spent the last few years nurturing entrepreneurial innovation in the health space through open government data.
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However, in view of its present high price, rhenium (used in highly fuel-efficient aircraft engines) is now recovered from scrap bimetallic catalysts used in the oil refining industry.
FORBES: Recycling Scrap Rare Metals Vital to Future Technologies
Presently, natural gas used as transportation fuel constitutes only about 0.1 % of total U.S. consumption.
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