One of the first sentences the Pope uttered in Israel was an unequivocal condemnation of anti-Semitism.
After she uttered those words my mouth was agape for the rest of the panel.
The man, identified as Clark Tabor, uttered threats and made references to the Colorado shooting.
Turkey's new chief of the general staff, Isik Kosaner, has hardly uttered a peep.
This is not the first time a senior football figure has uttered sexist remarks.
But they could easily have been uttered by almost anyone with his education and intellectual pedigree.
Probably his most famous quote, he uttered it in 2005, before the euro crisis.
Such a phrase should never have been uttered in the hearing of a journalist.
That is a plea that countless other CEOs most likely have uttered to their boards.
His father barely uttered a sentence in public, let alone released details of his private life.
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The three most uttered sentiments to describe her at her funeral were generous, open-hearted and loyal.
Was this the smoothest choice of words ever uttered by a Fighting Irish alum?
The Fox case stems from broadcasts a few years ago where celebrities uttered expletives on live TV.
This time, I cinched up my full-face motorcycle helmet, uttered a colorful Saxon oath and pushed off.
It's not a matter of saying he didn't do it, because he could have simply uttered a denial.
Despite getting 11% more microphone time, Obama actually uttered about 9% fewer words than Romney did last night.
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The same, perhaps, could have been uttered when Chelsea inflicted more heartache in 2012 in Bayern Munich's own stadium.
Most of the views for which the judges have been hauled over the coals were actually uttered outside courtrooms.
The denials uttered by Mr Ghanem are in any case very evasive ones.
Before Dave had even uttered a word at the hearing George wanted to take his fury out on him.
We'll hear the words fewer, better, more specialised, more efficient, safter too uttered by those who've made the decisions.
And as I uttered them I almost thought it was someone else speaking.
We'll hear the words fewer, better, more specialised, more efficient, more safe uttered by those who've made the decisions.
As the intimidation unfolded, she tried to disregard the harassment and didn't hear everything that was uttered, she said.
And, yes, most politicians, including Coolidge, Harding, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, uttered unattractive, eugenicist statements from time to time.
The rage for presidential debates seems to be drinking games for certain words or phrases uttered by the debate participants.
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The greeting, uttered heartily by recruits standing watch on each floor of the three-story brick barracks, was not quite military protocol.
Sprinkle a healthy dose of "mans" and f-bombs into that quote and it could have been uttered by The Dude himself.
It was a low and dishonest statement uttered at the end of what has been, in the immortal words of W.H.
Similar computer controls were developed to make the animated characters' cheeks puff and lips narrow according to the vowel sounds uttered.