Noji's peek into China comes from 23, 000 heavy-duty vehicles spread across the nation's vastness, each fitted with an antenna that via satellite link tells Komatsu where it is and what it's doing.
Some of the talk in recent days has been about how this "fresh and modern" couple will break new ground as they tour parts of Canada's vastness over nine days.
Controlling units in the vastness of space must have been a challenge for Relic -- there's no surface for your units to bounce along -- but Relic was up to that challenge.
Upstage, an enormous screen, suggesting the vastness of the universe, dwarfed the people and served as a canvas for lighting designer Aaron Black's play of colors.
Mr. Garten's reaction to moving to Los Angeles from Minneapolis in 2000 was to seek a respite from the vastness and craziness of the city a space where he could live and work that was big enough to contain his massive works of art but tranquil enough to block out the city.