The figures from the Scottish Executive focus on exclusions for physical and verbal abuse.
Some criticized the bus driver for not halting the verbal abuse, even though Greece Police Capt.
The incidents range from verbal abuse and threats, to objects thrown from bridges and physical intimidation.
To neutralise such situations, chatbots must be able to handle verbal abuse constructively, says Dr Brahnam.
The force said the crimes came in many forms including criminal damage, verbal abuse and social media abuse.
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Baljit Ubhey, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said there was evidence that Collins subjected Larke to "physical, psychological and verbal abuse".
BBC: Justin Lee Collins found guilty of harassing Anna Larke
Back home, Orozco's athletic choice elicited verbal abuse back at Holy Family, a Catholic grade school whose alumni include Jennifer Lopez.
Physical or verbal abuse can combine with other signs to indicate that a spouse is interacting with the world in unhealthy ways.
On-the-job bullying can take many forms, from a supervisor's verbal abuse and threats to cruel comments or relentless teasing by a co-worker.
The Crown Prosecution Service said many had involved assaults or verbal abuse.
Some 64% of staff said they had been subject to verbal abuse, but crews say they have to contend with many violent incidents.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Ambulance assaults 'much higher'
So he asked her a second time to cover up and also to put a lid on what he felt was verbal abuse.
The decision came in a case concerning the physical and verbal abuse directed at Joseph Oncale, an oil-rig roustabout, by fellow male workers.
The university subsequently is reviewing all of its sports and suspended men's lacrosse coach Brian Brecht indefinitely on Friday for allegations of verbal abuse.
Employers say the vast majority of bullying incidents are verbal abuse, such as shouting, swearing and name-calling, along with malicious gossip, rumors and lies.
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, bullying is defined as repeated health-harming behaviors that can include verbal abuse, offensive conduct and intentional sabotage.
The neighbour was released without charge in connection with that offence but was later cautioned for racially aggravated verbal abuse of a police officer.
There was not sufficient evidence to support a second claim to The FA with regard to the alleged verbal abuse of another first team player.
Commissioner, the wife suffered physical and verbal abuse by her husband.
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Newport came second with 34 incidents of physical and verbal abuse.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Ambulance crews facing violence
Sheryl Brahnam, a researcher at Missouri State University in Springfield, suggests that it will also be necessary to program chatbots to deal with verbal abuse.
He was left out of the squad for a trip to his former club Everton amid fears that he would be the target of verbal abuse.
He is among a tiny minority of openly gay men in Kenya who face a constant barrage of verbal abuse on the street and even occasional physical attacks.
In January, there were 32 cases of physical injury or verbal abuse of police officers in Lima: in all but five cases, the victims were female traffic cops.
The fact the attacks are so pointed and Klein's pain so apparent makes it easy for people to identify with as she soldiers through a torrent of verbal abuse.
Byron Collins coached the Scarlet Knights on Saturday night during a 16-7 loss to Duke at home, while head coach Brian Brecht remains suspended for allegations of verbal abuse.
U.S. Speedskating has endured a difficult season that began with a dozen national team members accusing short track head coach Jae Su Chun of physical, emotional and verbal abuse.
If Martin is right and humour undermines the shock value of taboo terms, it might follow that comedy, not the courts, is the best way of tackling verbal abuse.
In the NHS, the government has had to introduce a "zero tolerance" campaign to try to reduce the number of attacks, and amount of verbal abuse heaped on staff.
Some made formal complaints about Mr Meredith and the current council leader Mohammed Pervez, accusing them of "verbal abuse", "ranting and bullying" and "barracking and mudslinging" at a meeting over the issue.