"A Labrador that's over 100 pounds would be very difficult to deal with in a duck boat, " Ms. Gilchrist said.
That would be extremely unpopular with the public, and politically very difficult to deal with, managers told the BBC, adding nothing would be implemented which could in any way endanger public safety.
But if we keep kicking the can down the road, the problem just keeps getting worse, and then at some point it will be very difficult to deal with because the consequences will be so painful.
We had to take some very difficult steps to deal with that mess, to stave off an even greater economic catastrophe.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
The President faced very difficult decisions about what to do to deal with this critical part of the American economy.
"Bringing in someone young or from the private sector was probably very difficult as the Finance Ministry has to deal with all sorts of vested interests and you want someone with experience, " said Takuji Okubo, senior economist at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo.
"In my judgement an informed and fair-minded observer would recognise that the intention of Parliament was that we should equip ourselves where possible with sufficient expertise to deal with the very difficult and very important questions we have to determine, " said the judge.
And they have a tremendous amount of capacity of resources to deal with this very difficult problem, but it is a crisis significant enough that a lot of countries, including the United States, led by the United States, have come in to offer further aid and assistance and expertise to help them deal with it.
"It is very difficult to see how you could ever do a deal with someone who was consistently rude about you, " he told the BBC's Daily Politics.
BBC: Tories should consider UKIP pact, Michael Fabricant urges
At this point, however, Cyprus has made doing business very difficult via capital controls, while retaining its inability to deal with overvaluation via currency realignment.
FORBES: Links 25 March: Sense In Cyprus, How To Deal With Both Deposit Insurance And Moral Hazard
But I would just say, again, our efforts are really working to help the Japanese people deal with what is a very difficult and really tragic situation.
This was very difficult for the first one or two years, but then I learned how to deal with it by practicing Zen Buddhist meditation and yoga.
It will be very difficult for Washington, even when the time comes to try to reestablish a relationship, to deal with this public distaste out there among the American public.
This is a very difficult situation, and there will be a lot of work continuing as we go forward to deal with continuing to cool the reactors and to provide cooling to the spent fuel pool.
And we want to build on the cooperative part of the relationship with China and deal directly with some of those very difficult challenges.