"It's basic common sense, " said Michael Taylor, FDA deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine.
Goldstein graduated in 1973 from one of the nation's top veterinary schools, Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine.
Food firms have also been testing products for the veterinary medicine bute (phenylbutazone).
Phenylbutazone is a veterinary medicine whose use in livestock, including horses, is illegal.
Neither of the methods, which were developed in veterinary medicine, are failsafe.
There are four possible divisions that Pfizer could spin off: baby formula, over-the-counter products, veterinary medicine, and established products, which includes generic drugs.
Last year, Dr. Marr, her doctoral candidate, Wan Yang, and Elankumaran Subbiah, a professor at Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, sought to put the question to rest.
Further work is being carried out to establish exactly how much horsemeat these products contain and to test for the presence of the veterinary medicine phenylbutazone, or bute.
Eggs have not been a major source of infection in humans for this particular strain of salmonella, enteritidis, in the last twoor three years, said Patrick McDonough at Cornell University's School of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr Marina Davila Ross, from the University of Portsmouth and Professor Elke Zimmermann at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover, Germany, studied the play behaviour of 25 orang-utans aged between two and 12 at four primate centres around the world.
"The FDA applauds Wrigley's decision and its recognition that we need to improve understanding and, as needed, strengthen the regulatory framework governing the appropriate levels and uses of caffeine in foods and beverages, " said Michael Taylor, deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine.
Alan Beck , director of the Center for the Human-Animal Bond at Purdue's School of Veterinary Medicine and a principal investigator in the study, says they placed Aibo, a robotic dog made by Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ), in the homes of isolated senior citizens to determine whether the robotic pet can improve quality of life.
There will be a range of special seminars with information on teaching, veterinary science, medicine and law.
And students looking for places on sought-after courses such as medicine and veterinary science see advanced maths as a way to stand out.
He added that no samples have yet been found of the veterinary anti-inflammatory medicine "bute" and if traces were present, the risk was low.
The university's vice-chancellor, Prof Sir Howard Newby, said the facility's labs would bring together "the brightest minds from medicine, biomedicine, veterinary health, and biological sciences".
The research was a collaboration between the MRC's Regenerative Medicine Centre and Cambridge University's Veterinary School.
Professor Alexander Trees and his team from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the University of Liverpool's faculty of veterinary science, found that killing bacteria which are abundant in the worm tissues leads to its death.