That's the prediction of Nobel enthusiast and freelance writer Tatiana Divens of Vienna, Virginia.
It dates back to the 1600s after the siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Turks.
The BBC's Bethany Bell, in Vienna, has examined the IAEA's latest quarterly report on Iran's nuclear programme.
BBC: UN nuclear agency IAEA: Iran 'studying nuclear weapons'
However, prices are still far lower than in other major Western European cities, including Hamburg, Brussels and Vienna.
Mr. Mischel, who is originally from Vienna, hasn't performed the marshmallow test on French children.
The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer safeguards human health and the environment.
The M Building also shows how the Vienna International Centre is keeping pace with the times.
Ms Kampusch escaped from a windowless cell in the suburb of the capital, Vienna, in 2006.
The tribunal was told Mr Carthy works for the United Nations and is based in Vienna.
BBC: Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan were murdered by the IRA in 1989
At the recent summit in Vienna, several countries supported a medium-term freeze on all spending.
The findings were presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in Vienna, Austria.
As Napoleon said, if you say you're going to take Vienna, you take Vienna.
Maybe music critics think Kleiber and the Vienna Philharmonic recording are the absolute best.
Not long afterward, Thalmann left to take a job at a hospital in Vienna.
After visiting Vienna in 1933, she vowed to fight against the persecution of Jews.
Mr. Blix was head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna from 1981-97.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Unable to verify, unworthy of trust
Bwin's shares on Vienna's stock exchange plunged as a result of the government's action.
Austrian Catholics gave only a lukewarm welcome to the Pope when he visited Vienna in 2007.
The OPEC meeting this week in Vienna reportedly produced no quota changes on production.
It's hard to imagine now, but Vienna then rivaled London as a seat of Western civilization.
After writing two over-the-counter prescriptions free of charge in January, pediatrician Richard Schwartz of Vienna, Va.
When it failed, she went to Vienna to seek therapy from Dr. Sigmund Freud.
The Indian government says the court's order doesn't go against the terms of the Vienna Convention.
India's foreign ministry said it doesn't see the Supreme Court's order as violating the Vienna convention.
The 1961 Vienna Convention says diplomats are immune from prosecution in countries where they serve.
The 1961 Vienna Convention says that diplomats are immune from prosecution in countries that host them.
A., in Vienna, serving as legal counsellor, then assistant director general of external relations.
Researchers in Vienna were able to write an application to compromise the security of the NFC.
This week a conclave of treaty-boosters in Vienna is attempting to spur on the foot-draggers.
He will be leading our delegation to the International AIDS Conference in Vienna next week.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy