Another strange thing about a Viennese coffee house is that the coffee is almost irrelevant.
Viennese gentlemen sipped coffee outside Austrian bakeries so authentic that the neighborhood was called Little Vienna.
In this sense, the Viennese are the most virtuous people in the world.
The silent movie, the Viennese symphony and the epic poem all had their heydays in the past.
Besides, didn't Mozart and his actor-director chum, Schikaneder, stage the Viennese premiere in 1791 in a suburban theatre?
Months of physical therapy likely lie ahead, though she's already picked out her first dance: the Viennese Waltz.
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At moments of impetuous ardor, the gallants Claudio and Luzio, both tenors, seem ready to fly off into the sunset of Viennese operetta.
Like the painting, which the Viennese artist completed in 1907, the doll is dressed in a golden gown lavishly patterned with Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The drink being of a brown colour like that of the Capuchins' robes, the Viennese named it cappuccino in honour of Marco D'Aviano's order.
Amazingly enough, the film's composer Max Steiner, a Viennese-born musician who scored hundreds of Hollywood movies, was initially disinclined to use a popular song.
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Quite an achievement for a boyish-looking Belgian who most people thought would soon be blown away by gusts of notorious Austrian, especially Viennese, intrigue.
She tracks him down in Paris at a reading of his new book, which is based on their Viennese encounter, and they rekindle their attraction.
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In a Viennese coffee house, something strange happens to time.
It is hoped it will become the first in an ongoing series of live-streamed opera productions broadcast directly from various prestigious Viennese venues and more intimate settings.
Regarding the nuclear plants, Spiegel Online is showing a simulation of radioactive drift of I-131 (radioiodine) from the Viennese Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG).
Viennese artist Andreas Franke, who worked as an advertising photographer for more than 20 years, took the powerful images while on a diving exhibition last year.
Mr. Kandel connects his biologism with the Viennese Modernists by arguing tendentiously that these artists were instinctive neuroscientists who knew how to give the brain what it wants.
As Ritholtz points out, Big Mac was run by Felix Rohatyn, whose family of wealthy Viennese bankers had fled from the Nazis to New York during World War Two.
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Instead of the British monarch who gave her name to the Victorian century, Mr Gay suggests a more representative embodiment of the era: Arthur Schnitzler, a Viennese playwright (pictured above).
Antique ornaments and fragrant boughs of Austrian spruce decorated hundred-year-old wall sconces above tables whose diners, young and (very) old, gleefully attacked carb-rich Viennese pastries and coffees piled high mit Schlag.
His enthusiasm may not have extended to the Second Viennese School, but he was not averse to atonal music, though he preferred it with a theme, a rhythm or a sequence.
Legend has it that, following the victory, the Viennese reportedly found sacks of coffee abandoned by the enemy and, finding it too strong for their taste, diluted it with cream and honey.
The coalition suffered a further setback in the Viennese municipal election of October 2010, when the far-right Freedom Party won 26% of the vote, placing it second only to the Social Democrats.
Georges Jorisch, grandson of Amalie Redlich, a Viennese Jew, claims that the picture was looted from her collection after the Nazis transported her to Poland in 1941 where she is presumed to have died.
The secrets of Viennese signature apple strudel and chocolate cake Sacher are well-known among Lviv pastry chefs but syrnyk, a moist pie made from fresh cottage cheese, is a local specialty that many guests to the city take back home.
BBC: Tracing the coffee house revolution to its Ukrainian roots
At the beginning of "Traumnovelle, " a well-heeled Viennese couple, Fridolin and Albertina (in "Eyes Wide Shut" they become New Yorkers Bill and Alice Harford, played by Tom Cruise and his wife, Nicole Kidman) put their daughter to bed.
The waltz is sacred to Viennese high society, and rules are so strict that if you want to take part in any of the exclusive opening balls, a mastery of the Viennese waltz reverse turn (which for non-dance folk means, basically, to the left) is required by all ball committees.
The typical Viennese coffee house -- an elegant institution with high ceilings, marble-top tables and a stack of newspapers to make one linger over an impeccable black brew with a customary glass of water -- may be more famously known than its Ukrainian cousin, but to trace back the origin of the communal coffee space, you have to go to Lviv, a Medieval city in western Ukraine.
BBC: Tracing the coffee house revolution to its Ukrainian roots