But we ought to be careful not to vilify this profession while doing so.
CNN: The courage of teachers
Many conservatives vilify the senator for breaking with them on immigration, campaign finance, taxes and other issues.
CNN: Giuliani endorses McCain, Schwarzenegger might
He also believes that it is wrong to use those budget problems to denigrate or vilify public sector employees.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
The reporters LaPierre was planning to vilify directly in his remarks were told before his comments that he would not be taking questions.
FORBES: How Wayne LaPierre May Have Banned His Own Assault Weapons
So I hate how we vilify all strangers as inherently bad.
FORBES: More on Chatroulette
In his book, he makes a number of the standard cable-news moves: he rages, he oversimplifies, he invents social categories so that he can vilify them.
NEWYORKER: Evening the Odds
We are not an envious people who vilify success.
CNN: Obama's message of divide and blame
He has made clear for some time that he intends to disrupt the proceedings and to use them as a platform to defend himself and to vilify western leaders, not to win acquittal.
ECONOMIST: Milosevic on trial | The
Well, now the Luddites have a new enemy of the state to vilify, the Variax Acoustic 700 guitar made by a company called Line 6, which for years now has been briskly selling digital modeling amplifiers that mimic the sonic characteristics of venerable guitar amps.
NPR: The Variax: Many Sounds from One Guitar
But he does not believe that it is helpful to denigrate or vilify public sector employees in a way that brings you no closer to resolving the problems and sows division instead of creating the kind of unity that you need when everyone sits at the table to solve the issues together.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
The Paulsens, having recently completed a protracted renovation of their own, were reluctant to complain about the noise and the mess, and Walter, on the other side, was too nice or too busy, but when Patty finally came home, late in August, after her months in the country with Joey, she was practically unhinged in her dismay, going up and down the street, door to door, wild-eyed, to vilify Carol Monaghan.
NEWYORKER: Good Neighbors