The Schmallenberg virus is carried by insects and was first detected in Germany 18 months ago.
Growing underground, it is prone to infestation by the feathery mottle virus and worms.
Asia is a particular standout, due to its experience with the SARS virus in 2003.
One strain of virus then infects all cells, producing a soup full of virus.
The virus is "a threat to the entire world, " the WHO's general director said last week.
Doctors didn't understand how the polio virus entered the body, and they didn't know how to treat it.
The researchers also looked at the effectiveness of airport screenings in stopping the spread of the Ebola virus.
CNN: Up to three Ebola-infected travelers might fly each month
More than half of all sexually active Americans will carry the virus at some point in their lives.
Experts tell us this is a unique virus with the potential to have a great impact.
For easier maintenance, updates to the BIOS, drivers, and virus protection should be automatic, he says.
Another problem is the absence of visible illness in poultry infected with the new virus.
In tests, Viraferon peg cleared the virus from between 54% and 61% of patients.
The scientists wrote that if the virus evolves further, it could become more dangerous.
There is also the possibility of contracting a virus from sharing files with others, Spitzner said.
Genetically modify mosquitoes so they can't spread diseases such as malaria and dengue virus.
One of the patients shared a room with the other and contracted the virus.
Then in July came foot-and-mouth, a highly contagious virus that affects cows, sheep and pigs.
Patients who stop taking such drugs risk having the virus develop resistance to treatments.
In an interview in 2011, Perlmutter praised the Biovex researcher who had developed the virus.
FORBES: Modified Cold Sore Virus Shrinks Melanoma Tumors, Amgen Says
He was devoid of all energy and a virus was blamed for his exit.
As many as 22% of African-Americans with HIV do not know that they have the virus.
The virus there infected 175 people, said Patricia Huston of Dallas County Health and Human Services.
Scientists are increasingly certain they have identified the precise virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome.
But officials expect that the proportion of cases will increase as the virus spreads in Wales.
Last year a ram from Shropshire was confirmed with the virus after being transported to Orkney.
Both expectant moms feel relieved to have survived the ravages of the H1N1 virus.
While Brizendine battled the virus, Yost, too, suddenly showed all the signs of H1N1.
But from 1995 onwards 2% of the 391 samples showed evidence of the virus.
No one yet knows where each virus came from, or how deadly each really is.
WSJ: Virus's Toll in Saudi Arabia Raises Fears of Faster Spread
Body Temperature Scanning at airports to detect virus shedders is very easy non-invasive and cheap.
FORBES: Urgent Warning On New Bird Flu H7N9: Could Pose Global Threat