Chalk one up for volition: Fenton graduated from high school early and began travelling soon afterward.
In a few blinks, the Jaguar had pulled itself completely back on course, seemingly of its own volition.
FORBES: Test Drive: 2013 Jaguar XJ Gets All Wheel Drive, And It's Great
It is harder and takes more volition to sign something, photocopy it, put it in an envelope and mail it.
After reading Mr. Noer's article, I can categorically state that I will never again pick up the magazine of my own volition.
Others think the slump in housing and auto sales will gradually bring inflation down of its own volition in the coming months.
First, economic planners and bankers have to start accounting for the hidden cost of carbon in power plant feasibility studies on their own volition.
When parties trade of their own volition, by mutual consent and to mutual advantage, both expect to gain and both should, assuming an honest scale.
Why can't we as Africans accomplish this with our own volition?
BBC: What if Africa were to become the hub for global science?
The first involves the fear that genetic determinism cheapens human volition.
Many signatories would choose such policies of their own volition.
In Islam, the bread-earning role is primarily assigned to man, but if a woman wants to join in this effort by her own volition, she is not forbidden to do so.
He added that the report found no evidence of sexual abuse in the laundries and that 10% of inmates were sent by their families and 19% entered of their own volition.
In the end, Madoff confessed to his crimes of his own volition to federal investigators, and caught the SEC off guard in regards to both the existence and the scope of the fraud.
FORBES: SEC Refuses to Fire Any Staff Involved with Madoff Debacle
Would Apple have become great without Steve Jobs, or would someone else have surfaced to spearhead and personify the combined volition of the people working in that area in that company at that point time?
FORBES: Steve Jobs -- 'A Banner They Hold Aloft in the Wind'
But before we commend Handel for stepping down of her own volition, AJC notes there might be more self-serving reasons for her decision: taking a severance deal might have bound her to a non-disclosure agreement.
FORBES: Karen Handel Exits Susan G. Komen: The Resignation Letter
The press release had to be forceful, because Paul had continued to comment in the press, of his own volition and in some cases representing himself as if he were still speaking on behalf of the company.
FORBES: The Other Avenger: Ocean Marketing Files Suit Against N-Control
The restaurant owner, named only as Wang, said he had not been forced to take the sign down but had done so of his own volition because it had generated "too much bother" and too many calls from the media.
Nobody who knows me has ever seen me wear a tie except under protest, and the few that I do possess of my own volition are accidental trophies, "given" to me by the maitre d's of places where neckwear is compulsory.
WSJ: Christopher Hitchens on Forced Merriment, the True Spirit of Christmas
For over a decade the ecologically damaging aspects of flying have been acknowledged and publicized, and the airline industry -- partly of its own volition, partly under pressure from governments, green lobby groups and public opinion -- has taken significant steps to address the issue.
CNN: Green wing:?can technology make flying more environmentally friendly?