The pioneers on the frontier developed organic, local community governance through voluntary association.
That is, us, ourselves, in voluntary association, getting to grips with the errors and omissions of the universe around us.
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Right to work laws similarly impose artificial restrictions on voluntary association and the ability of employers and employees to bargain.
When advantageous, the NCAA quickly proclaims it is a voluntary association of its member institutions, whose agents are college presidents, and other corporate-styled executives.
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As the Commonwealth is a voluntary association with no formal constitutional framework, members work in the understanding that they fully commit to its values.
BBC: Commonwealth of Nations: 'The club of the 21st Century'
By limiting government, Americans unleashed voluntary association.
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So confident is Milosevic of his political and territorial gains that he is in the process of drafting a new Yugoslav constitution -- designed swiftly to codify the "voluntary" association of Serbian-dominated entities, by means of what might be termed an "All-Union Treaty" for Yugoslavia.
The letter - written by the Charity Finance Group, National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action - expressed concern for up to 5, 000 UK charities in "multi-employer defined benefit schemes".
In 1998, Caterpillar set up a VEBA, as the trust funds are called, this stands for Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association.
Free Americans developed complex webs of association based on voluntary agreement.
But the association's voluntary aspect, along with the fact that it cannot impose sanctions for non-compliance like other international blocs such as the UN and EU, have led to criticisms that it lacks bite.
BBC: Commonwealth of Nations: 'The club of the 21st Century'
This happened in the NFL in 1989 and remained the situation until 1993 when the players association reorganized following a successful court battle with the NFL. After decertification, the players association would become a trade association that players could be a member of voluntarily (the current players association is not voluntary).
The British Metal Recycling Association has launched a voluntary code of practice as part of its efforts to reduce the number of thefts but as the price of copper continues to rise, illegal ways of obtaining the metal will continue.
The agreement with the National Association of Theatre Owners is voluntary--as is the ratings system itself--but others want stricter regulations.
While there are no specific industry standards, Smirnow, head of the solar industry association, is spearheading a voluntary program of environmental responsibility.
Representatives from the Federation of Small Businesses, Welsh Council on Voluntary Action, and Welsh Local Government Association also gave evidence to the committee as part of its ongoing inquiry.
This autumn, the Magistrates Association is set to issue voluntary guidelines which consider a company's turnover when setting a penalty and may encourage them to refer more cases to crown court where judges can impose larger fines.
Local Government Association Web site on asylum and voluntary dispersal.
Should there be a dispute in the CDS market over a Greek reprofiling, it would be resolved by the International Swap Dealers Association (ISDA), a voluntary body which governs the market.
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The association also coordinates the industry's voluntary best practices and initiatives, and sponsors the industry's leading wireless tradeshows.
The National Day Nurseries Association, which mainly represents private and voluntary providers, says extra state-sector places have already put some private nurseries out of business.
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In the last six months, eight major corporations have installed voluntary plans, according to Robert Meade, of the American Arbitration Association.
Malcolm Woodhams, who arranged the meeting on behalf of the Association of Guernsey Charities, said more than 90 representatives from different charities and voluntary groups had attended.
Their latest effort: Draft voluntary disclosure rules put out in late May by the College Savings Plan Network, part of the National Association of State Treasurers.
The Spanish Banking Association says banks have renegotiated more than 400, 000 mortgages in the past five years and taken voluntary steps to delay evictions.
In May 2012, the Association of Directors of Education in Wales have agreed that all schools will use reading tests on a voluntary basis.