Wade for members of both parties, making it impossible to vote against for anyone who wants to say they support a woman's right to choose.
Specifically, the FCC 3-2 partisan vote was followed by a partisan House vote (234 Rs against, 2 Rs for, 6 Ds against and 177 Ds for), and a partisan Senate vote (52 Ds for vs. 46 Rs against).
For most Ugandans, this was a vote for or against Mr Museveni himself, not for or against the permanence of his system.
The vote for Bextra (17 for, 13 against, two abstaining) was very close to the 17-15 vote for Vioxx.
The official results gave President Ahmadinejad 63% of the vote against 34% for Mr Mousavi.
In May last year opposition parties in the Welsh assembly forced through a vote against higher fees for Welsh students who study in Wales.
He is so principled, in fact, that he even cajoled me one time, because of his firm belief in federalism and the distinction between the federal government's responsibilities and the state's, to vote against federal funding for cops' bullet-proof vests.
MPs will have a free vote on the bill, meaning they will not be ordered to vote for or against by party whips.
Democrats oppose the freeze but are worried that a vote against the freeze is a vote for an increase in Congressional pay.
He wants to make the case that he will be the president of all Americans, and that a vote for him is not a vote against the black candidate so much as it's a vote for him, the candidate, in terms of his own campaign rhetoric, the candidate of lower taxes, the candidate with more experience in foreign policy.
The Lords have some powers, for example to vote against government regulations, that they have not exercised for decades.
He won 55% of the vote, against 44% for opposition candidate Henrique Capriles.
They've received thousands of emails and phone calls urging them to vote for or against the bill, with veteran Sen.
WSJ: Connecticut Lawmakers Pass Wide-Ranging Gun-Control Bill
Half of those under 30 surveyed for the report said the information they received online made them want to vote for or against a candidate.
CNN: Survey: Internet established as major news source in 2000 elections
Given the failure of Enron's former board as a watchdog, the AFL-CIO asks, shouldn't Fidelity vote against former Enron directors for board seats at other firms?
Plaid Cymru's decision to move the motion arose following Labour MPs joining with Conservative backbenchers in Westminster to vote against the UK government for a cut to the EU budget.
This is because one of the QCs who delivered that opinion is the crossbench peer Lord Pannick, who's increasingly influential in swinging the crossbench vote for or against a particular clause of a bill.
On September 2nd, with over 60% of stations reporting results, Mr Karzai had 47.3% of the vote against 32.6% for Mr Abdallah.
He argues Evans' voting record is bad for farmers and for small businesses, and he faults Evans for his vote against welfare reform.
Mr Maduro, a former bus driver whom Mr Chavez had named as his preferred heir, won 50.7% of the vote against 49.1% for Mr Capriles.
Council Member Peter Vallone Jr. of Queens said he believes his allocations have been cut as retribution for his vote against renaming the Queensboro Bridge to honor former Mayor Ed Koch.
The stakes were raised when the government said that in response to Tory and Lib Dem plans to vote against the measure, Labour MPs would be ordered to vote for it.
In the end, she garnered 47.6% of the vote, against 52.4% for Mr Fischer.
ECONOMIST: A suave diplomat loses her bid to become president
Now we know why Bill Bradley thinks Democrats should vote for him, and against Al Gore.
The House Judiciary Committee voted down that article of impeachment by a vote of 12 for, 26 against.
In fact, the vote was probably more of a vote against the guerrillas than an endorsement for Mr Rugova.
There is a reasonable chance the FDA will decide to go against the panel vote and ask for more data.
In an opinion survey published this week, more Poles said they would vote for the constitution than against it, if it is put to a referendum (as it probably will be).