If they think I represent their views, then vote for me and I'll be the winner.
Also standing in Folkestone is Rodney Hylton-Potts, winner of ITV's Vote for Me programme.
"Come out and vote for me on Tuesday, I'll work my heart out for you, " she said.
In 2008, 47 percent of the American people did not vote for me.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event in Madison, WI
So, Iowa, are you going to vote for me today if you haven't already voted? (Applause.) I need you.
And if you turn out for me, if you vote for me, we'll win Colorado again. (Applause.) We'll win this election.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Boulder, CO
Even the folks who don't vote for me are nice to me. (Laughter.) And that's just a -- that's a nice thing about this state.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Emporia, Virginia | The White House
Mr. HUCKABEE: I know Mr. Romney's been trying to do a little voter suppression by telling people that a vote for me is really a vote for John McCain.
And I promise you, if you are willing to stand with me, and knock on doors with me, and work as hard as you can, and talk to your friends and your neighbors and your classmates, and if you will vote for me, we will win Linn County again.
He's - I just couldn't vote, for me I'll stay home (unintelligible) and vote for Democrat.
And so as we make that decision, I would hope that people wouldn't take the easy way out, which is to say let me vote for him because I want to see a brother get in or let me vote for her because I want to see a sister get in.
In any case, a vote for Ron Paul strikes me much more as a vote for peace than a vote for any of the things his critics say he believes.
And she stressed to me again she's not angry at Hillary Clinton - in fact, she might vote for her, she told me - but she was disappointed that day that she was given no money for her service.
That was a voice vote, and basically, he said: You give me this, I'll vote for it in committee.
NPR: With White House Bogged Down By Scandal, GOP Looks For Boost
For me, the vote in this trial will be the second most important of my Congressional career.
Alaskans kept telling me that Alaskans vote for the person, not the party.
Personally, no way I vote for Obama, and every Romney ad I see makes me want to vote Libertarian, but then an Obama ad makes me think maybe Romney is actually serious about cutting spending?
FORBES: Enough With The All Too Transparent Downplaying Of Debate Expectations
"We will fight for every seat and for every vote, " he told me.
It is now time for me to cast my vote and to explain my reasoning to my colleagues and to my constituents.
This time, most Yes voters popping into a polling station in the small town of Swords on their way to work gave me the same reason for their vote: that the treaty was needed to streamline the voting rules of an EU at 27 nations.
Finally, I should like to recall that, on the occasion of the Paris summit, in 1991, he again promised me that he would vote in the United Nations for his friend Boutros.
At this moment in time, many people will vote for Khatami because they see him as the lesser of the two evils, for me that is not a choice at all.
To me, it does not make sense - logically, and as a Hispanic - to vote for her over Obama.
And I've come back to Colorado -- and this may not be the last time you'll see me. (Applause.) I've come to ask you for your vote.
"I feel as though I'm kicking someone off the show because neither should be going, but I have to base it on that last performance, and for me the couple that edged it were Lisa and Brendan, " he said after casting the deciding vote.
And if you give me that vote, I promise you I will always listen to your voices, I will always fight for your families, I'll spend every waking day continuing to make sure that your lives are a little bit better. (Applause.) This is where it got started, Iowa.