But I believed then, as I do now, that seniority matters a whole lot less than voting right, communicating well and working hard.
People are voting right now in states all over this country.
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Singer notes that in presidential and other political elections, if a person decides not to vote, that voting right isn't given to another person, so why were shareholder elections held to different standards?
Assuming a state with a gay majority, would defenders of what is presumed to be traditional marriage smile on its citizens voting away the right of heterosexual couples to marry?
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But Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander said Labour had been "entirely consistent" since July in arguing for a real-terms cut and played down uneasiness in his own party's ranks over being forced to file through the voting lobbies with right-wing Conservatives.
Unlike companies' shareholders, charities' donors usually have no voting rights and no right to attend annual meetings and question the bosses.
"If you want to talk about security, I would say right now the electronic voting devices in Nevada are the most secure devices in the country right now, " Heller says.
In his interview with CNN, Blatter, who was re-elected unopposed as the head of world football despite allegations of corruption surrounding the voting process for the right to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, championed his organization's commitment to tackling racism.
CNN: FIFA chief Blatter: There is no on-field racism in football
It could be that after twenty years the time is now ripe for Chileans to break with the taboo of voting for a center - right candidate.
It is easy to find some attributes on which you win, but the customer is the final decision-maker and more are voting for Android than iOS right now.
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"Voting is the most important right we are granted as citizens, and you should have to go through the process of becoming a citizen and declaring allegiance to this country before being given that right, " New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said through a spokeswoman.
The results, announced on Saturday June 18th, the day after voting, showed the pollsters were right only about the need for a second round.
And he is right that the current voting system, which could mean that he ends up with the same number of votes as Mr Brown but a third of his seats, is unfair.
After a second round of voting on May 24th, a right-wing alliance emerged as the winner of Hungary 's general election, defeating the Socialist-led coalition that has reigned for the past four years.
Should they fail to do this, the government has the right to convert into voting shares the paper it took in return for its injection of public funds into the banking system a couple of years ago.
The BBC reserves the right to cancel or suspend voting at any time.
He made the remark ahead of the UK parliament voting on legislation to give the Scottish government the legal right to hold the poll.
As voting day approaches, Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right House of Liberties coalition is maintaining a clear lead in opinion polls over Francesco Rutelli's centre-left Olive Tree Alliance.
Combining his fundamentalist faith, his conservative views and his flair for television, Falwell helped mold Evangelicals into a vital voting block and helped push the Republican Party to the right.
In a third round of voting on Friday, top officials of Italy's center-right coalition rejected the center-left presidential candidacy of former prime minister and European Commission president Romano Prodi.
The 1965 act also gives the federal government and individual voters the right to sue any local or state government for infringing voting rights after the alleged violations have occurred.
The BBC's William Horsley examines why voting in the European Parliament elections has made a decisive swing towards the right.
The centre-right Freedom Alliance bailed him out once this year, by voting with the government on the deployment of Italian troops in Albania.
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has said he expects the debate to harden on the right, and accepts that some Socialist deputies may abstain from voting.
Voting intentions for far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen both gained two percentage points to 17% and 15%, respectively.
But he will tell his party that Jenkins is at least a step in the right direction, whereas rejecting it would end hope of a new voting system for a generation.
Some pollsters reckon that in Germans' voting preferences only a couple of points separate the two main parties of left and right.
The BBC reserves the right to disqualify votes if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that fraudulent voting has occurred or if it considers there has been any attempt to rig the voting.