Preference shares typically carry no voting rights, which (unlike WestLB traders) was what Porsche was after.
And we need to keep this Voting Rights Act that has worked so well in place...
Voting rights advocates claim these laws would effectively keep millions of Americans from the polls.
Another site of note is Selma's National Voting Rights Museum, which opened in 1993.
In any event, it would require federal authorities' review for compliance with the Voting Rights Act.
The 1908 Democrats voted down suggestions of equal voting rights for women and African Americans.
The same could be said for the Voting Rights Act that followed in 1965.
Opponents of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 say the pre-clearance requirement has outlived its usefulness.
The couple own 7% of the company but control 41% of the voting rights.
Scalia's characterization of the Voting Rights Act was offensive, and it deserved to be national news.
He argued the voting rights were logical because Gibraltar had been EU territory since 1973.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Fears over Commonwealth EU voters
If non-Brics members become shareholders, they may too get some voting rights in the proposed bank.
Likewise, the Voting Rights Act has given the South new and very different politics.
The Voting Rights Act was a monumental political achievement during the Civil Rights era.
The top priority Tuesday wasn't necessarily jobs, or guns, or climate change, or voting rights.
Germany has, for now, dropped its demand that heavily indebted countries should lose voting rights.
The family controls 64.9% of the company's capital and more than 78.0% of voting rights.
Moreover, outside investors have no control over management, and even basic shareholder voting rights are limited.
In truth, there is no reason for them to receive anything but full voting rights.
The 1965 Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of modern civil rights laws, revolutionized America.
Hoechst had 67%, but the Messer family kept 50% of the voting rights.
"When I started writing about minority voting rights, it was the most neglected race-related issue, " she says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Abigail Thernstrom: The Good News About Race in America
Inclusion takes place on many levels, through welcoming public spaces, granting voting rights, and creating educational exchange.
Challenges to the Social Security Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act all failed.
But now there is a battle: we are under pressure to let these shares enjoy voting rights.
ECONOMIST: From the archive: Talking to Gaidar: From the hot seat | The
Next, we are making it possible for managers to buy approximately 5% of shares, with voting rights.
ECONOMIST: From the archive: Talking to Gaidar: From the hot seat | The
Hamer's stand inspired Dr. King's march in Selma, which brought about the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In 1966, the year after the Voting Rights Act was passed, 6 million blacks were registered to vote.
Because it's not as if the whole Voting Rights Act expires anyway, because the whole act doesn't expire.
More radical suggestions, such as restricting voting rights or granting tax breaks to long-term investors, have been discarded.