"Don't feel obligated to watch it all at once, " he told the Vulture website.
The only company I found here were yak herders, bearded vulture and a host of 8, 000m peaks.
But the Vulture piece, much like the Hollywood logic it is founded on, is flawed.
The Art of Vulture Investing: Adventures in Distressed Securities Management (Wiley Finance, 2012).
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Consider working with a "hard equity lender, " who specializes in making loans to vulture buyers.
And imagine trying to swat one of those monster prehistoric insects like a vulture-sized dragonfly.
Argentine Economy Minister Hernan Lorenzino has said it is illegitimate to pay "vulture funds".
This was not seconded by panelists such as vulture investor Wilbur Ross Jr.
Hospitals are great fodder for vulture investors because they are typically overstaffed and cash-rich.
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The use of a yellow-headed vulture, named Pinhead, and Mary's plunge into a bath are over-the-top touches.
Jersey politicians have voted to stop so-called vulture funds from using island courts to sue poor nations.
We will release every vulture that's in that trap today and re-bait it in preparations for Tuesday's attempt.
To Main Street any Wall Streeter who buys up problem children companies is labeled a Vulture these days.
And there are most certainly hedge and vulture funds building such blocking minority positions in some bond issues.
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The film also features a fleshy oblong Martian guard dog, Woola, who has become a Vulture favourite.
Bank debt, higher on the vulture pecking order, is trading at 72 cents.
And the continuing delay in its flight services means even vulture funds are unlikely to invest in the airline.
As vulture numbers decline, so stray dogs are becoming much more numerous, feeding off the increasing number of unattended animal carcasses.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Bird groups hopeful on vultures
His favorite screenwriter, Brazilian Braulio Mantovani, is supposed to be writing it, according to the Vulture blog of New York Magazine.
Vulture fundholders buy debts of poor nations cheaply and then sue for up to 100 times what they paid for them.
Even in Germany, car-culture-vulture of Europe, the share of young households without cars increased from 20% to 28% between 1998 and 2008.
They will pummel him for being a vulture-vampire capitalist at Bain Capital.
Could the bas-relief of the headless man, the vulture, and the round object represent the bird Garuda carrying the sun across the sky?
It will also depend to some extent on the fortunes of its new Asian vulture fund, a joint venture with investment house Rothschild Inc.
The company is trying to sell assets to avoid further cuts to its ratings, but vulture investor Leucadia National just balked at buying it.
Fully grown, the vulture would have a wingspan of six-and-a-half feet.
The three species most seriously affected by diclofenac are the oriental white-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis), the long-billed vulture (Gyps indicus) and the slender-billed vulture (Gyps tenuirostris).
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Bird groups hopeful on vultures
Suddenly, the lioness turns and lunges at the birds, swiping speculatively into a flurry of feathers, landing her paw right on top of one squawking vulture.
He said air traffic control contacted the pilot after noticing an unusual manoeuvre minutes after take-off and the pilot said his plane had hit a vulture.
The biggest challenge will be to crack the pricing puzzle and get impaired loans moving in a way that works for banks, vulture-investors and the taxpayer.