Chloe and I sat in the waiting room surrounded by pamphlets for rhinoplasty and chin implants.
She stood in the fluorescent-lit waiting room of Lenox Hill's ICU, her arms crossed.
That night in the Lenox Hill waiting room, my mother did not allow for sleep.
Chaplains roamed the ER and spent hours in the waiting room, comforting distressed families.
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Sitting in the hospital waiting room, he thought about the similarities between gene sequencing and microelectronics.
Heather Moores and her 4-year-old son, Julian, sat in a waiting room at a pediatrician's office.
When she passed out in his waiting room, an ambulance took her to a hospital.
The appointment was running thirty minutes late and the waiting room was kept in sub-zero condition.
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While Anje was in surgery, I was in the waiting room with Darbi.
Life becomes a waiting room: hushed but unpeaceful, because you never know when you will be called.
If you run a machine shop or have a waiting room full of patients, this is not feasible.
The center looks like a generic counseling office, with a few small offices linked to a waiting room.
Inside in the waiting room one woman's hand is completely hidden by the severe crook of her wrist.
As you arrive, one of the first things you notice is that the waiting room is almost empty.
Advisers can enclose a brochure with their own letter or business card, or put copies in their waiting room.
However, it often took an hour or more before people in the waiting room were seen by Inland Revenue advisers.
Cancer prevention information comes through various media: TV, pamphlets in the waiting room, and, of course, that rumor machine the Internet.
The money will be spent on a new waiting room and four clinic rooms in what is currently the imaging department.
The front rows of the audience observe the action at close hand, from plush waiting room seats that surround the stage.
Several patients sit in the waiting room of this red brick clinic, one of thousands that dot poor neighborhoods across the country.
About fifteen minutes later, the physician called me from the waiting room.
FORBES: Dinosaur Doctors And The Death Of Paternalistic Medicine
Petitioners fill the waiting room and spill on to the steps outside.
People came and went, visiting other patients, surprised to see three grown women with fancy duvets camping out in a hospital waiting room.
The sick kids and their stressed parents sat patiently in the crowded waiting room, routinely waiting more than two hours to be seen.
The waiting room is usually cold and sterile, enlivened by just a few company trinkets to divert your focus from your impending 30-minute inquisition.
At One Medical, patients can fill out forms online to cut down waiting room times and extend the length of patient visits to their physicians.
Basically, Doctor Grumpy says, the honor attracts annoying patients and vendors who want to sell you financial services or a plaque for your waiting room.
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The waiting room in your therapy office feels bland and uninviting?
Most couples sat in the waiting room in silence, fearing, perhaps, that anything they said in front of the receptionist might be used against them.
Some representatives took seats in her waiting room, while patients stood.