"I've been able to walk up and down the halls without any trouble, " she said.
Mr Millin inquired, half-joking, whether he should walk up and down in the traditional way of pipers.
People continued to walk up and down between homes and a crowd gathered near the police blockade where the suspects' house is located.
Also, as the animals walk up and down on the rubbish and spread it around the streets it creates traffic hazards in congested areas of the city.
I'm not out of breath when I walk up and down the halls at work, and even sleeping is easier since I don't have all that excess weight pressing down on me.
"Go to your favorite pharmacy and walk up and down the aisles, and take the things off the shelf you'd like to have at home, " she advises, adding that Imodium and antibiotics are essential additions to any travel medical kit.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
There are high-rise apartment buildings with sick or elderly residents trapped in their freezing homes without enough food, water or medication who are unable to walk up and down several or dozens of flights of stairs to get what they need.
But every morning for the rest of her natural life, she'll wake up, walk down the stairs and find herself staring at two hulking leviathans.
As we stare through my rain lashed windscreen, it may be hard to imagine, but you can already walk up onto one of the dunes and look down on to one of the greens.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Rain, tiny planes and automobiles
This is a bad path to walk down, and hopefully it ends up biting Activision to a degree where they actually course correct.
You have to get up out of your chair, walk down a hallway and talk to someone.
You only got so many people going to dress up like Floyd the Barber or Gomer Pyle and walk down Main Street.
Have your notes placed there in advance and you can glance down as you walk by or stop, seemingly just to pick up a glass of water.
It shut down in April and is starting to get that boarded-up, abandoned look when I walk by.