While almost every country now votes, public faith in democracy is on the wane.
But now there are fears that this aspect of Singapore's culinary heritage is on the wane.
Both factors are temporary and when they wane we predict a hard landing for gold.
But when a game is a single-player, narrative-based affair, inevitably that appeal can wane.
If stockmarkets continue to rally, says Mr Smith, the fashion for hedge funds will wane.
Prozac has been on the wane anyway as newer and cheaper antidepressants erode its market share.
It's clear that the star of Wall Street's great defender is on the wane.
But it does raise the question of whether Spain's Red Fury is on the wane.
Smartphone growth, while still robust compared with other electronics segments, is on the wane.
Like the Moon, asteroids can wax and wane, depending on their position relative to the Sun.
Is U.S. preeminence on the wane and who or what might take its place?
Unfortunately, Blyleven saw his support wane as he would only receive 14.1% of the vote.
Even marriage chances wane: malnourished boys marry women of lower educational levels when they grow up.
ECONOMIST: How much can farming really improve people��s health?
That demographic is on the wane in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco.
Just understand how sectors tend to wax and wane over a full economic cycle.
But in 2013, with the motion-control craze on the wane, Sony may sense a new opening.
The sort of bigotry that once thrived in Scotland was on the wane, he said.
By 1920 the ODJB's popularity began to wane, and in 1925 the group disbanded.
The symptoms of IBD tend to wax and wane, but can seriously debilitate some patients.
Like the British Empire, however, the seafaring group is bound to wax and wane over time.
As html 5 becomes more prevalent perhaps the apps model of content delivery will wane.
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True, the boost from inventory rebuilding, which helped a lot last year, will wane.
Feng figured that if Xiao kept losing at his (unnamed) game, his enthusiasm would wane.
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The result is likely to dramatically reduce the use of niacin, already on the wane.
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Chinese investment in fixed assets like roads and bridges have been on the wane since April 2009.
"Even then, it was simply appreciated that the book industry was on the wane, " Hodgman tells me.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
If weaker earnings presage deeper economic problems in America, that appetite might wane, hurting other economies too.
As the inventory of unsold new homes is worked off, the drag from residential investment should wane.
If consumption is already on the wane, however, new supply could see prices tumble, at least temporarily.
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He would watch the daylight wax and wane on the ceiling, or roaches creep slowly up the wall.