The nation's civilian "high" alert -- the second highest level of warning -- was put in place Tuesday.
The RAIB said Mr MacKay may not have seen, or misinterpreted, the warning lights at the level crossing.
The UK's "negative outlook" is the lowest level of warning offered by the agency - and can be followed by a "negative watch" implying a more than 50% chance of downgrade.
Pfizer' s blockbuster Celebrex will get the most serious type of warning the FDA can level, and Bextra, another Pfizer arthritis drug, will be removed from the market in the U.S. and in Europe.
However, the RAIB also said Mr MacKay may not have seen, or had misinterpreted, the warning lights at the level crossing and appeared not to have been wearing glasses to improve his distance vision.
The question is, how do we co-ordinate an asteroid early warning system at the global level?
Two international ratings agencies have downgraded the country's credit grade from the top level AAA, warning about the government's fiscal policies.
By next year, the country aims to take its warning system to the next level by calculating the height and the arrival of a tsunami, said the director of Indonesia's earthquake and tsunami center, Fauzi, who like many Indonesians uses only one name.
That is higher than normal but still well below the level that triggers a danger warning.
Earlier Wayne Rooney capitalised on a shocking blunder to bring United level after Porto produced an early warning of their intentions.
That said, Barclays Capital analysts in London said in a note to clients on Monday that they saw a strong trend tendency in portfolio flows, warning of more outflows given the current high level of investor uncertainty surrounding the euro zone.
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Britain also updated its travel warning, though it did not raise its alert level.
The visitors heeded the warning sign and took the lead to haul themselves level on aggregate.
The level of hype and the stratospheric valuations are warning signs.
Progammes include the Global Sea Level Observing System ( GLOSS), regional tsunami warning systems and the Harmful Algal Bloom Programme ( IOC-HAB).
Knowing that the atmosphere could produce a strong tornado, they immediately issued the tornado warning as soon as the Doppler radar started to show low-level rotation within the storm.
Williams picked up an early warning from referee Terry O'Connor but the opening three rounds remained level, with both boxers looking to work their way in behind the left jab.
The Broadcasting Code states that broadcasters must take precautions to maintain a low-level risk to viewers who have photosensitive epilepsy and should give warning if they do go ahead with such lighting.
The Met Office has issued its first country-wide Level 3 cold weather alert of the winter, its second most serious warning.
In the other direction the high level of bullishness and complacency the last couple of months has had us warning you of the high risk of a market correction, and watching our indicators for a potential sell signal (which was recently triggered within a few days of the top).
FORBES: Investor Sentiment Counts For Little Between The Extremes
Tsunami warning centres and regional tsunami warning systems build on existing detection, verification and communication networks such as international seismic and sea level networks.
The warning has put pressure on the pound, which two months ago appeared headed for its strongest level against a basket of currencies in four years.
"If people see a warning a lot, but then nothing bad happens in the average case, it decreases the alarm level" and people won't pay attention even when they need to, said Adrienne Porter Felt, a Ph.
New York has been on "orange" alert, or the second-highest level -- indicating a high risk of terror attack -- since the color-coded warning system was established after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The first measure comes from the Bank of International Settlements, which found that if private debt as a share of GDP accelerates to a level 6% higher than its trend over the previous decade, the acceleration is an early warning of serious financial distress.
Disaster mitigation, through early tsunami warning systems, but also by quantifying the trends of typical marine hazards, including typhoons and storm surges, sea level rise, or harmful algal blooms, are critical objectives of ocean monitoring with immediate and sustainable impacts.