To prevent infection, scientists suggest basic hygiene: Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth, and wash your hands often.
That would allow Weill to wash his hands of the fiasco without any sort of mea culpa.
Pickers have to tie their hair back, wash their hands continually, remove all earrings and piercings.
Travelers should load up on hand sanitizers and wash their hands often on their trips.
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And just a third of seven to 14-year-olds wash their hands every time they touch pets.
She tells insurers to cancel liability policies at hospitals where doctors don't wash their hands.
It is hard to wash your hands when you are down to only one.
Visitors should always wash their hands with soap and water before entering and exiting the ward.
She returns to the kitchen to wash her hands when her phone rings again.
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People need it to drink, and they also need clean water to wash their hands.
No wonder that companies are tempted to wash their hands of any future commitments.
Visitors have to wash their hands and suit up in boots and coveralls supplied by the farm.
So I don't necessarily think that this means that well, gosh, let's wash our hands of it.
For years, health agencies have advised people to wash their hands after touching cash for sanitary reasons.
Visitors have been warned about the virus and are urged to wash their hands when leaving the hospital.
Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, especially after using the toilet, before eating, and after sneezing or coughing.
It was, opined Geoffrey Cox, "cynically opportunistic" of Labour to try to wash their hands of the matter.
The classroom policy is that if kids ate peanuts for lunch, they are supposed to wash their hands.
And there is no easier out than to run a 30 second and wash your hands of the mistake.
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First, after touching a surface that could be contaminated, wash your hands thoroughly.
People should also wash their hands to reduce the spread of the virus.
Remind kids to wash their hands with soap throughout the school day, and then again when they get home.
In fact, if we've got one piece of advice for frequent trade show attendees, it would be: wash your hands.
Wash your hands, especially after you've been in public places and touched handrails, grocery-cart handles, and other frequently handled objects.
Or will Spencer just throw out the case once and for all and wash his hands of the whole mess?
Get a flu vaccine, wash your hands frequently and well, and sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
Visitors to the park are being asked to wash their hands - especially after contact with animals - and before eating.
It reminds me of automated water faucets that won't let me wash my hands no matter how much motion I make.
If people do not wash their hands before handling food, the food could become infected even though it might look clean.