According to the advisory body Waste and Resources Action Programme, households can end up binning up to a quarter of their weekly food and drink purchases.
BBC: Clearer food labelling plan 'to bring an end to waste'
Without intrinsic factor, vitamin B-12 can't be absorbed and leaves your body as waste.
CNN: Vitamin deficiency anemia
These "metabolites" represent the waste products of the body's chemistry - but their uniqueness had never been shown.
BBC: Exhaled breath is unique fingerprint
The treatment "draws out metabolic waste and impurities from the body that lets water flow through better, " Tracey says.
CNN: Think before you get all wrapped up
Security technologist Bruce Schneier believes that the body scanning machines are a waste of money.
CNN: Body scanners not 'magic technology' against terror
It also stores waste, particularly in the rectum, until it is passed from the body.
CNN: Colorectal cancer: Find it before it finds you