Chemical reprocessing at Hanford would generate 22, 000 tonnes of high-level waste and 500, 000 tonnes of low-level waste.
ECONOMIST: Nuclear waste
The high-level waste would then be enclosed in glass canisters and buried deep underground while the low-level waste was stored above ground in special secure facilities.
ECONOMIST: Nuclear waste
This would typically be a manufacturer, distributor, licensed radioactive waste broker, or a licensed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
FORBES: Radioactive Tritium Leaks from Nuke Plant; Also Two Million EXIT Signs
Tokyo Electric is now grappling with where to put the stuff, even dumping thousands of tons of less-radioactive water into the Pacific to make room for it in a reservoir for low-level waste.
Rare earth minerals are often mixed with radioactive elements, and processing creates low-level radioactive waste.
FORBES: The Politics of Rare Earth
Sellafield nuclear firm has pleaded guilty to sending bags of low-level radioactive waste to a landfill site.
BBC: Sellafield Nuclear Plant
It has an advantage over competition in that the company operates a mile-square low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) facility in Clive, Utah.
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