The screen is small, but it's surprisingly watchable, and it's better than you'll find on most MP3 players.
We probably wouldn't call James Woods the best looking celebrity in HDTV, but he makes Shark watchable every week.
It was the perfect frame for a show that made the unwatchable watchable.
The results may be lighter on message, but they are certainly more watchable.
As a consumer, I demand it to make the Games more watchable.
FORBES: Commercialism Pins Common Sense as IOC Ousts Wrestling from 2020 Summer Olympics
In the long run, re-distribution of revenues to help the less well supported clubs should produce a more competitive and watchable league.
Eisenberg, who remains best known for playing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network, "is credible and watchable" on stage, argues Brantley.
Although modems and normal telephone lines will never deliver watchable movies, the Web has proved that the pictures and text that travel over telephone connections are compelling in their own way.
Some, however, are as watchable in their own way as the films on which they're based, and every once in a while a remake actually contrives to improve on its model.
It fails to grasp how easily epic poetry is reproduced in the form of multi-volume paperbacks, and how easily those paperbacks in turn are converted into highly watchable films and television shows.
FORBES: Homer's Revenge: Epic Poetry Is Back. It's Viral. And It's Worth Billions
But hackers have found that when the codec is fed with high quality video from a DVD disc, it produces files that are much smaller than the original but are still watchable.
NTV, Russia's most watchable and independent television channel.
That said, purchasing is easy and fast, and we had no problems streaming in the highest-available quality on our 10Mbps cable connection -- Max Payne didn't look super-awesome in SD, but it was certainly watchable.
This brings us to where we are today, with a growing number of promising apps that use video as a tool in creating entirely new forms of media that are designed to browsable, watchable, and shareable.
The men promised it was "top quality" and could be returned if not up to scratch - and this time it was not a camcorder job, with sound and visuals that were not perfect, but definitely watchable.