Already reeling from the flu, I grew more nauseated as I sloshed in the wind-whipped waves.
Watch the waves pound Beachy Head Lighthouse and gaze across the English Channel to France.
Huge blocks of ice calved off and collapsed into tidal waves of icy slush.
Beginner surfers can also take lessons on the more moderate 3ft waves in Turtle Bay.
Elliptic's ultrasound technology uses sound waves and microphones to detect movement, similar to how radar detects objects.
You can find waves and a new way of life, combined on your own little piece of paradise.
This article seeks to explain briefly how a trader uses Elliott Waves to change his tactics.
FORBES: Elliott Waves Point To Apple Turnaround On The Charts
The sand helps sea defences by reducing the impact of the waves on the promenade.
Waves of debris flowed like lava across farmland, pushing boats, houses and trailers in their paths.
If the verdict hasn't exactly created shock waves, that's because few people know the details.
The Elliott Wave Principle says that all corrections happen in three waves, typically labelled ABC.
We should be investing in safe, clean energy from the wind, waves and sun.
Another line, the GE Profile, automatically streams water into containers of any size using sound waves.
Waves surged, and snow, driven by shifting winds, hit the ships at wild angles.
Like an earthquake, the shock waves radiate from Terry and the aftershocks keep on coming.
The waves of home attacks continued, but somehow Fulham kept their heads narrowly above water.
In the case of lidar, the waves are in the form of an infra-red laser beam.
The iPad will allow Apple to be Apple again for another set of waves.
From heat waves to Hezbollah rocket strikes, it can feel like the world is coming apart.
In Baghdad, several waves of explosions rocked the Iraqi capital overnight and early Wednesday morning.
Wind waves: waves formed in the area in which the wind is blowing.
Longshore current: a movement of water parallel to the shore, caused by waves.
Swell: waves that have travelled out of the area in which they were generated.
The waves next to the pier have become inconsistent and oddly shaped, he said.
The speaker usually waves his hands, smiles broadly and yells out to the audience.
Unlike the people answering questionnaires or participating in focus groups, brain waves don't lie.
Clearly buoyed by their first-period comeback, the Penguins raced up ice time after time in waves.
As for the waves after that, your guess may be as good as Mr. Schmidt's.
WSJ: Holman W. Jenkins Jr.: Google and the Search for the Future
"The thunderstorm activity generates waves in the atmosphere that move toward the poles, " he told me.
Consequently it has survived and supported giant waves of innovation in the appliance market.
FORBES: Net Neutrality Star Tim Wu Joins Federal Trade Commission as Senior Policy Advisor