Instead of needing more doctors, maybe we would be better off with fewer primary care doctors who were much better organized.
We would all be better off to put the Greek debt crisis in the past and focus on solving the next set of debt problems.
For the end point, we would be better off measuring the ability of people to sit on the front porch and drink a mint julep.
If research in this area were based solely on its scientific merits and was not stoked by public anxiety we would all be better off.
We would be better off if people would stop romanticizing small businesses and instead focused on the outcomes that really matter, like economic growth and unemployment.
Would we be better off if we could run our cars on water rather than gasoline, and fly our airplanes without any fuel, and heat our homes with sunlight?
We would all be better off if our leaders in government recognized that when we trade, we're exchanging products for products--money merely the measuring rod of value that increases the frequency of exchange.
But we would be better off having a discussion of where we want to tax dollars to come from before we risk hurting an economy that will barely be growing at 2% in the 4th quarter, and may be well below that.
You suggest that we would instead be better off repealing Dodd-Frank, returning to a world where taxpayers bail out failing financial firms, predatory lenders and unscrupulous brokers prey on vulnerable homeowners, the public absorbs losses because of Wall Street's risky behaviour, and regulators are left in the dark, unable to prevent another global financial meltdown.
Would we all be better off with a BMI of 30 or more, as opposed to the recommended level of 25?
FORBES: The 'Obesity Paradox' -- Is It Healthy To Be Overweight?
"We would be much better off to agree on a wise and relevant platform plank and do so in platform committee, " Wilson said.
Perhaps we would be economically better off with global trade, it is argued, but we have an obligation to maintain a high moral standard.
So how much of the financial trading falls into the category of deals that the world would be better off without, such that we shouldn't weep if it were taxed away?
Although this data were far from conclusive, two of the doctors we spoke to expressed concerns, saying that a lot of patients would be better off with the older, over-the-counter drug.
These go through various possible scenarios for fiscal policy, exploring whether, in effect, the shadow chancellor Ed Balls is right to say that the economy would be better off tightening more slowly - ie whether we would get more growth, overall, if we saved some of the cuts for later.
And where we agree is that if we can help the Syrian people find a path to a resolution, all of us would be better off.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama holds a Press Conference at the G20 Summit