What was interesting was that even though I could still hear most office sounds (like the phone ringing) through the ear defenders, the very act of wearing them gave off a subtle 'go-away-I'm-working' vibe that allowed others to ignore and exclude me without being impolite ... it worked for me!
In last week's Barbershop, we mentioned some talk making the rounds, mostly on emails, about whether or not you could be turned away from the polls if you show up wearing buttons of T-shirts promoting a particular candidate.
Sure the Net's not going away but investors and consumers no longer approach Web commerce wearing the hyperbole-gilded, rose-colored glasses of years past.
His basic guidelines: Wash or dry clean all your clothes before you store them away in a separate closet from the in-season clothes you're wearing now.
Located 20 minutes away from the beach, it is a wild paradise for 20-something, flip-flop wearing Australian and Turkish youth and their version of fun.