It's admirably weird music and hopefully just the beginning of a long and wonderfully strange conversation.
"He was this weird guy who didn't even pay for his own staples, " Wiseman said.
However, I'm pretty sure they're not as weird as we like to say they are.
This morning a pair of sandhill cranes woke me up with their weird call.
It may sound a little off the wall, but Haifa likes to embrace its weird side.
More than the NT, the Hebrew Bible has some unusually troubling, disturbing, perverse or weird texts.
Nor the trip to Michelin-starred La Madia through the weird, industrial ugliness of Gela.
Watch the weird ones, the obscure ones, the ones from China or India or even France.
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To ordinary users, however, an onslaught of friend-affiliated pitches can be weird and unsettling.
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Government agencies look at the cloud with a weird mixture of hope and wariness.
His company is a weird amalgam of fat substitute, anthrax detectors and online mattress sales.
Maybe the weird-looking Star Wars cloners have some way of artificially producing egg cells.
Why should he not do or say weird things or look strange or disgusting?
"You join this weird club of people who have done what you do, " he says.
This weird arrangement meant the subsidiary theoretically owned more stock after the redemption than before it.
Is it weird that our confidence levels can be so shaken by a bad clothes day?
It's why tennis players claiming grunts are a distraction sounds weird to the casual sports fan.
The weird part:In cancer no drug should suppress the immune system, so Ariad's approach seemed inadvisable.
The Ugandan-born churchman has espoused a weird variety of causes, making him impossible to categorise.
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The New York Times has a weird history of armchair radicalism, writes Bruce Bartlett.
Weird interview questions have become a meme, like a joke or a viral video.
Now it won't seem so weird as Umenyiora finally joins his son's hometown team.
"It all went a bit weird over the last 18 months or so, " he says.
Yankees manager Joe Girardi said it would be "weird" not seeing Jeter in the season opener.
They often smoke, drink, eat too much, wear weird clothes and grow hair in odd places.
Like if I play a weird instrument, then that will somehow make my music interesting?
But you also have to be facile, not only willing to try weird things but capable.
Or, in the case of Research In Motion, the pros turn a little weird.
Andrew Crean, an analyst at Citigroup, thinks that weird accounting is partly to blame.
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But my relationship with Tiger as a fan has always been a weird one.
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