Microsoft may have a motive since having a well known service such as Netflix could help it promote its Windows 8 ecosystem with mobile users.
Questions about the service center on how it differ from the well known Arabic-language service.
One of my clients, a physician whom we shall call Dr. A, used a well-known payroll service company in his medical practice.
He's well known and well respected in the Weather Service and in Washington.
They are becoming so well known for their customer service and employee satisfaction that they offer daily tours of their facility to fans like me.
Thanks to recent congressional hearings, abuses by agents of the Internal Revenue Service are well known.
His views on the Welsh Civil Service are well known and much of the article criticised the hierarchical organisation, lack of innovation and failure to manage risk of the civil service as a whole.
Beginning with the well-known Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) structure, Gartner added in a Business and Information Systems layer that includes brokerages, management and security.
The documentary continues to tick through Cheney's resume of 40 years in public service, much of which is already well known.
It also set off a strong reaction on China's Sina Weibo microblogging service because Mr. Buffett is well-known in increasingly wealthy China, which prizes investment know-how.
Yvonne Fovargue said she wanted to "level the playing field between the fee-charging debt management companies who can spend a considerable amount of money on advertising and the free agencies who put all of their money into providing a service and consequently may not be as well known".
Stuart Nixon, acting chair of the MS Society, said he was delighted "that such a well-known local organisation has come forward to continue running the service".
In India, the customer service jobs are known to be respectable and well-paying, enough to give Krishna the income, and the title, to become a suitable bachelor.
Well-known industry players who are investing money to build wireless charging capabilities include wireless service providers, handset manufacturers and chip manufacturers.
The current number one rental on the UK YouTube service is the movie "Exit Through the Gift Shop" by well-known street artist Banksy.
Well before the G4S debacle hit the headlines, London's Metropolitan Police Service, known as the Met, was planning what it says is its biggest-ever peacetime operation.
LifeMobile, as the service will be known, will be available from Phones4U's High Street shops as well as Currys and PC World stores.
The incident has put a spotlight on Secret Service agents traveling overseas, and has raised the possibility that the related probes may detail behavior well known to the small community of people charged with protecting the president and other top political figures.