The reorganization is in part a reaction to the case of WenHoLee -- the scientist fired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory -- and the criticism of the government's handling of it.
Thanks to legislation that arose from congressional investigations into an earlier, major security breach at Los Alamos allegedly involving a physicist at the lab named WenHoLee a new, semi-autonomous National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has been created.
The WenHoLee saga began in 1995, when a walk-in source gave the CIA a document from the People's Republic of China that claimed Chinese weapons designers had obtained specific and highly classified details of an American nuclear warhead known as the W-88.
On the other hand, Richardson's foreign policy experience was at the United Nations, the congressional tour of duty left numerous votes that the opposition's research boys can sift through and the Cabinet post got him in hot water when he fired WenHoLee from a nuclear research facility only to see the case against Lee fall apart.