Western civilization s signature achievement was not democracy but the idea that laws prevail over lawgivers.
It's hard to imagine now, but Vienna then rivaled London as a seat of Western civilization.
It's as if the security of Western civilization hinges upon Los Angeles's return to basketball adequacy.
The Scriptures speak to these questions, as do the other great books of Western Civilization.
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We can no longer ignore the inroads made by these forces into Western civilization's European flank.
Capitalism has done more to save and enrich lives in Western civilization than we can possibly enumerate.
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If Western Civilization is in decline, it is not because of economic up-and-comers like China and India.
One of the critical advances in western civilization was the invention of legal techniques to restrain government.
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"We are looking at a realization that Western civilization is not ending as we know it, " Singer said.
At that time, Western Civilization, through colonialism, was, at least in Mawdudi's opinion, inflicting itself on the Islamic world.
Auden, who were pillars of Western civilization and mainstream culture and whose own politics, in many cases, were hardly leftist.
Niall Ferguson, the New York University historian, argues that emerging markets are succeeding by downloading the "killer apps" of Western civilization.
Western Civilization has forgotten this, and we are all paying the price.
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It's time to encourage, perhaps even mandate, the teaching of the Bible in public schools as a primary document of Western civilization.
WSJ: Roma Downey and Mark Burnett: Why Public Schools Should Teach the Bible
Are the rise of modern western civilization and the carbon bubble synonymous?
Western civilization might fall if I was unable to fulfill this obligation.
It wasn't for Islam to replace democracy, it wasn't for Islam to replace America, it wasn't for Islam to replace Western Civilization.
Western civilization as we know it evolved during a time when women were in relatively short supply, due mainly to death in childbirth.
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Mr. DIAMOND: And all of our neighbors, and most important of all Europe, because Europe's closer as a Western civilization than we are.
But, alas for Western civilization, the unyielding part of his personality dominated his post-WWI conduct, which most destructively affected the League of Nations.
Because not only is it one of the most interesting and vibrant cities in the world, it is one of the most important cities in Western Civilization.
And so it is not just Wilders whose future is as stake, but that of Western civilization, of the ideals which are our guiding light.
He remarks that the Western civilization is the first one to construct a science, a knowledge and description of nature that negates the sacred altogether.
Marriage is a religious concept long indelibly imprinted into Western Civilization.
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It is also one of the key ancient manuscripts that enabled Western civilization to awake from the dark ages and enter the modern world during the Renaissance.
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For anything other than shariah compliant finance in Western Civilization?
But I draw the line when an artist mounts a direct and nihilistic attack on Western Civilization that seeks to subvert the values that allow us all to survive and thrive.
During the Crusades, which was the last time that western civilization had to cope with a sex ratio like the one we have today, the surplus women went to (or were sent to) convents.
FORBES: The Real Marriage Crisis Is Economics, Not Gay Marriage
The World Health Organization recently announced that the number one disease afflicting Western civilization is depression, and depression is often described as a state of high anxiety devoid of meaning and purpose.
Families provide the sure foundation undergirding Western Civilization.
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