And what bad luck for the police officers!
It also provides an opportunity for claimants to figure out whether the company's financial trouble was the result of bad luck or bad management, and to decide what should be done.
WSJ: Economists Have Abandoned Principle
You also advocate the privatisation of Social Security, while paying little or no attention to what happens to people whose investments, through bad choices or bad luck, don't prosper.
ECONOMIST: In need of a makeover
Or, to put it another way, what really killed the dinosaurs was a string of the most atrocious bad luck.
ECONOMIST: Mass extinctions
The Cardinals look as if they have eight players on the floor, what with all the arms waving and bodies smothering whoever has the bad luck to have the ball, and when one guy sits down, there's one just as physical right there to take his place.
NPR: Louisville Runs Over Colorado State 82-56 At NCAAs