He said: "We have to rethink and redesignwhat our city centres are all about - and the city centre of Newport has taken a brave step in saying that maybe it's not just about retail, that it's not just about office space - it's about this kind of mixed activity, so dwelling spaces as well as commercial spaces".
What needs to be done is redesign the operating system storage mechanisms so they store everything in an orderly fashion, then the SSD will be the perfect choice.
This includes tests of high-explosive triggers useful for nuclear weapons, and the redesign of a missile nose-cone to take what looks like a nuclear warhead.
According to Hulu, the redesign was driven by the idea to bring quick access to what subscribers are trying to watch, as well as the thought of delivering an easier discovery experience which aims to help with finding new shows and making it easier to watch recent episodes of those that are already preferred.