It was the very same feeling, he said later, as when he had first seen carpet tiles, but orders of magnitude larger.
Amidst frantic manoeuvring on Thursday, the Conservatives put down amendments to the Crown and Courts Bill which would use the measure to set up the prime minister's preferred system of press regulation - paving the way for another cross-coalition confrontation of the kind first seen in January, when the two parties opposed one another over the review of parliamentary boundaries.
The reason for the excitement is that, although the existence of ice on Mars has been known since 1666, when the planet's polar caps were first seen, the low temperatures and air pressure there mean that water, even if heavily salted, is likely either to freeze or to evaporate.
It was the first red ink seen since 1945, when the company was founded to make locomotives.
The largest gain for the company was seen in the first quarter, when net income swelled by 42.8%.
When it first came out in hardback, it was seen by the literary world as a snack between meals...
Moreover, it was in 2004 that America began importing bees from Australia just when American beekeepers are thought to have seen the first suspected cases of colony collapse disorder.
ECONOMIST: A virus may help explain colony collapse disorder
That's long enough to have seen the first silent movie, when it came out, provided a movie theater even existed back then on the island of Barbados, where Sisnett spent his life.
When it was first released in June 2007, it was seen as yet another over-priced product from Apple.
FORBES: For Apple, The Best China Strategy Was Not Having One
The Olympian has not seen his parents since 1993, when he first fled what is now South Sudan.
When the Federal Reserve creates inflation, it's first seen in commodity prices.
When it was first performed in 1957, it was instantly seen by 107 million TV viewers, an audience larger than that of all the previous Rodgers and Hammerstein collaborations put together.
But back when he first ran for Congress in 1938, he was seen strolling up and down the streets of his home district like a pied piper, trying to persuade local musicians to come along and join his campaign.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'
Since 1979, when NASA first began recording satellite ice images, scientists have seen a 13% decline per decade in the minimum summertime extent of sea ice, and in late August, NASA confirmed that the ice was at an all time low.
Voters haven't seen an open primary since 1995, when Jackson first won office.
Already a resort town by 1863, when the first Thoroughbred racing meeting was held, Saratoga Springs has seen its fortunes rise and fall over the last century and a half.
He can remember when the village first got electricity in the 1970s, and he has seen all of the changes since.
But when it comes closest to providing a definition, cyberspace is seen first and foremost as a technological infrastructure, with emphasis placed on the Internet.
Bieber made headlines on the very first show in Glendale, Arizona, last September when he was seen vomiting on stage but managed to finish the concert.
BBC: Justin Bieber treated by doctors after O2 Arena concert
Its chief creator, Colin Angle, was an undergraduate at MIT when he built his first model, Genghis, the coolest robot ever seen up to that time (it was 1989).
When the National School Lunch Act was first passed in 1946, it was seen as a matter of national security.
WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House
Since 2003, when Iran's nuclear program was first disclosed, the greater Middle East has seen an explosion of interest in the atom.
The largest gain for the company was seen in the first quarter of the last fiscal year, when net income swelled by 15.7%.
Data from the WMAP probe was seen as a major confirmation of this last point when it was first made public in 2003.
FORBES: While Physicists Celebrate Higgs, Cosmologists Fret About The Big Bang Model
Early this year, when Newt Gingrich's unpopularity first caught up with him, Mr Lott was seen as the natural leader for Republicans in Washington.
When I first saw Friends reunited I thought it was the best thing I'd seen all year.
They at first thought that Venus was two different stars, calling it Eosphoros when it was seen before sunrise and Hesperos when it appeared in the evening.
Dr Devore and Janet were both born at a time when parents went along with what the doctors said and surgery was seen as the first thing to do.
In the early 2000s, when the first mega-ramp was built, it was three times larger than anything ever seen in skateboarding.
FORBES: Waiting For Lightning: A Deep Peek At A $658 Billion Dollar Market
The painting will be seen by the public for the first time in more than 45 years when it goes on view at Sotheby's in London from 3-7 October.