I'm doing what work I can, when I'm not filming, which obviously takes precedence at the moment.
And how can I trust someone with my life, when I can't trust them not to force me out of the military if I accidentally slip up and reveal the truth about myself?
For all its brisk, brightly glowing hooks, "Don't Stop Now" is no throwaway, as Finn searches for inspiration ("Give me something I can write about") when he's not clinging to any emotional investment he can find ("Give me something I can cry about").
When I said that not everyone can be above average, it was only just true.
I'm not sure I can remember a time when both the chancellor and his shadow have had to be quite so careful of their internal doubters, and that's what will make the undercurrents at those Treasury Question Times so interesting.
Mr. HECTOR GARZA (President, National Council for Community and Educational Partnerships): I do not accept the argument that there are no data when I can show them the data.
President Obama was under 50 percent for the first time I can remember when voters were asked whether or not he understands the problems of people like them.
And basically, that's when I started feeling like, you know, video is not going to be my friend if I can't do what I want to do with it and I can't explore it in my own way.
"I try not to get stressed about things I can't control, " Barkley said when asked about his drop in the draft.
"When she's on fire there's not much I can do, " Pavlyuchenkova said.
Iain Martin, of the Wall Street Journal, criticised the party's manifesto, which had the words 'an invitation to join the government of Great Britain' embossed on its cover, saying it "must have sounded like a great idea when Oliver Letwin and Steve Hilton came up with it but I can not imagine it flying in marginal Conservative seats".
In the hope of not losing my game altogether, I play when I can.
"Now I can help soldiers when they come back, whether they are injured or not, " he said.
At the same time I think there are opportunities when we can apply our skills but we do not try because we think it is not what our boss wants us to do.
FORBES: Reduce Stress by Working Longer (at What You Do Well)
Because I can just picture the puzzlement of the farmers when they suddenly find themselves with not just hundreds but thousands of followers on Twitter.
FORBES: Tweet The Wheat: When Farmers Twitter, Comodities Traders Profit
Why can I read this book on one eBook reader and not another when it costs the same as a physical book?
FORBES: Are We Ready To Move On From The Tools And Talk About Digital Content?
"Maybe then the time will come when we have a team we can be proud of, but right now I'm not proud, " he adds.
When Dr. Seuss wrote his prescient tale in 1971 I can only assume that he did not want it to be appropriated for inappropriate branding usage.
FORBES: Both Trees and a Branding Opportunity Laid to Waste In 'The Lorax'
"I can tell you're not from Wisconsin, " the waitress said when I griped about the glop of dressing on top of a cup of grated cheese.
Okay, you're not going to, but can you at least say yea or nay when I kind of try to -- (laughter) -- here's the deal.
Which might indeed be a valid way of looking at things: I think we can all see a day coming, and coming soon, when a desktop PC is just not considered an essential piece of equipment at all.
FORBES: Microsoft's Market Share Drops From 97% to 20% In Just Over A Decade
"I'm not overly concerned because we can get over the problems but it will take time when we launch, " he said.
Recreating a culinary triumph can be a daunting (not to mention misguided) undertaking, as I discovered this year when attempting to cook something akin to that milestone goose.
When we need information about a topic, not only is the Library of Congress at our disposal, but I also can call upon academics and experts around the country, most of whom see helping a member of Congress get information as a civic duty and are more than happy to do it.