"Yachtsmen bring their own beds with them, whereas you can't actually do that in a plane, " he said.
Whereas you may have too much income to qualify for the new education tax credits, your child may not.
Whereas you could put that same amount of money into something that added value, and that's why we thought Katrina cottage makes more sense.
To put it differently, the 1990 would probably count as the best one-night stand you ever had, whereas you'd be inclined to propose marriage to the 1989.
WSJ: Is a Bottle of P��trus Really Worth Thousands? | On Wine by Jay McInerney
Whereas you can lower the risks of diarrhoeal diseases (which are among the most prevalent) simply by being careful with drinking water and making sure all the food you eat is cooked.
He explained that "whereas you might get frustrated when the waitress at the counter gives you the wrong coffee, " after a recent trek he was so inured to adversity that he spent a couple of hours outdoors without even noticing it was pouring.
When you relocate someone you actually disrupt them, whereas when you place them under surveillance you're really just keeping an eye on them.
BBC: New terror laws could be less effective, warns watchdog
To paraphrase Allison, if you build a house you employ people for just a time, whereas if you invest in a factory or new software, the investment feeds growth for years and years.
FORBES: Book Review: John Allison's The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure
There will come a time when you're down and faced with a 20 ft putt and the only thought is holing it, whereas if you're up you have a secondary thought that you don't want to leave yourself too much work to do - leave it stone dead.
Whereas if you're in a rich country, it doesn't make sense to kill each other.
Whereas if you think of the world in a metric way, your perception is somewhat different.
Whereas if you own the cameras and you own the film, there's nothing they can do to stop you.
Whereas if you're sitting in a balcony watching it on the stage, you're saying, 'So, is this funny or not?
Those areas reflect as much as 90% of the sun's light, whereas if you planted trees there they would reflect only about 10%.
"Whereas if you are born in the year of the Bull, born in winter, these people need to be out front meeting people and being aggressive, " he adds.
Whereas if you are engaged in a dialogue with a client target on one of the platforms, you are more likely to get sentiment on the spot that likely will be shared with others.
The only difference between the original and new flaw is that in the original flaw you only had to hit the lock button once, whereas in the new one you need to hit it twice.
FORBES: Does Apple Pay Enough Attention To Security? Maybe Not
In relationships courage will show you to be a trusted friend, whereas the absence of courage will reveal you as a gossip, adversary, or even enemy.
Senior lawyers tend to dismiss such ideas: law is a creative business, they say, whereas creative accounting puts you in jail.
But whereas mug shots encourage you to look for differences between yourself and the person in the photograph, Bertillon's turn-of-the-century crime-scene stills uncomfortably reveal similarities.
And speaking of managing your allotted 16GB of space, Sony's made it so that internal storage is relegated to MTP, whereas any SD card you bring to the table will be handled by MSC.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia Ion review: an Android handset with a split personality
The catch is that for eighty bucks you get unlimited Internet access, whereas V CAST is more of, how do you say, a walled garden.
Whereas during an inflation, you want to get rid of the money.
Whereas every other MMO requires you to log out as one character in order to log back in, this one lets you shift almost effortlessly.
Mr. ALAN STERN (Southwest Research Institute): And, you know, whereas we know of four terrestrial planets and four gas giants, we expect that there are hundreds if not thousands of these ice dwarfs, and so this class of planets which we have not yet reconnoitered is in reality the most populous class of planetary body in our solar system.
Outbrain is coming from the contextual text side, whereas Taboola comes from the videos-you-may-like side.
FORBES: How Two Israeli Companies Are Leading The Pack In The AdSense For Content Space
Its testosterone level was palpable, whereas in Sofia Coppola's work you're aware of a much softer presence behind the camera.
And remember that a good teacher costs as much as an average one, whereas halving class size would require that you build twice as many classrooms and hire twice as many teachers.