But finding out a threat lurks inside your genome can put you in a whiny mood, anyway.
In the initial stages, as entrepreneurs are whiny about this or that, the closest sphere, the inner circle suffers alongside.
Tennis has to guard against anything that sounds too precious and whiny.
But I started watching the Ducks in the Joey Harrington days and became hooked for life when they smacked around the whiny Colorado Buffaloes at the 2002 Fiesta Bowl.
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Butler is understandably a little bit whiny and mopey, as Annie works through the adoption bureaucracy while continuing to recover from a serious depression over the years of miscarriages, in-vitro-fertilization attempts and fertility drugs.
Warren Buffett this morning rightly scolds the whiny.
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When the Jets unraveled in an 8-8 season, there was whiny finger pointing all around, but much of it focused on Sanchez's need to accelerate his development, to improve his consistency, to take the next step.
We smelled a scam in there somewhere, or possibly scamola, and since our whiny emails to the company asking them to explain how exactly this worked went unanswered, we decided to just call them up to try and sort things out.
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" Apparently Jamie feels little love for his whiny constituency, since his clueless response was thus: "European consumers have shown that historically they don't mind that, because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan.
ENGADGET: CE-Oh no he didn't! Part XV - Europeans "don't mind" waiting for Sony products
The artist and his sparely-drawn strip have taken knocks over the years, but Dilbert's piercing take on corporate life far outdates revered parodies like The Office and Office Space, and some whiny critic wouldn't be the first dolt Dilbert encountered in his long, long career.
Now that AMD has managed to be more than just a thorn in Intel's side, and instead a valid and increasingly threatening competitor, we figured they'd lay off the immature Intel bashing, but AMD's CEO, Hector Ruiz, got a bit whiny the other day during a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.