• Now that AMD has managed to be more than just a thorn in Intel's side, and instead a valid and increasingly threatening competitor, we figured they'd lay off the immature Intel bashing, but AMD's CEO, Hector Ruiz, got a bit whiny the other day during a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

    ENGADGET: AMD boasts of an Apple future, gripes about Intel

  • But finding out a threat lurks inside your genome can put you in a whiny mood, anyway.

    FORBES: Never Mind You--What About Me?

  • Butler is understandably a little bit whiny and mopey, as Annie works through the adoption bureaucracy while continuing to recover from a serious depression over the years of miscarriages, in-vitro-fertilization attempts and fertility drugs.

    WSJ: Review: 'The Call' is a touching adoption saga

  • We smelled a scam in there somewhere, or possibly scamola, and since our whiny emails to the company asking them to explain how exactly this worked went unanswered, we decided to just call them up to try and sort things out.

    ENGADGET: Free iPods from FreeiPods.com? Engadget gets the scoop

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