If whipped cream is to your fancy, sweeten it ever so sparingly with confectioners' sugar.
Before he began to experiment with flaking and precipitating soyabeans, whipped cream was a hit-or-miss affair.
The meal began with plump potato ravioli topped with dollops of pumpkin as light as whipped cream.
Finally, pre-made, overly sweetened whipped cream from a can or nitro canister is not good either though convenient.
He commandeered the pie-smashing duties last season, elevating the act of slamming whipped cream onto one's face into a science.
The gas is legally used by dentists for anesthesia, to pressurize whipped cream canisters and to speed up race cars.
French toast with a generous portion of fresh strawberries and whipped cream.
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In recent months, two brands of alcoholic whipped cream have hit liquor store shelves in a multitude of appetizing flavors (or not) like chocolate, orange, cherry, and raspberry.
Along the way, he learned a few things, like: use whipped cream, not shaving cream (which burns the eyes more and tastes awful), and try to avoid the eyes.
But in a not-so-surprising twist, manufacturers are also suggesting consumers add a dollop of alcohol infused whipped cream to cocktails and shots for an extra flavor and alcohol boost.
The best of an array of excellent desserts are the rich, buoyant chocolate mousse and a golden-crusted almond cake, each topped with a generous dollop of dense whipped cream.
Chantilly is also the name of the famous local whipped cream, that made its first official appearance in the 18th century journal entry of a distinguished guest, the Baroness of Oberkirch.
Key limes are yellow, and that is the colour of an authentic Key lime pie, which is nothing more than a custard of Key lime juice, sweetened condensed milk and egg yolks in a cracker crust, then topped with meringue or whipped cream.
After Jordany Valdespin's game-ending grand slam last month, Buck clobbered him in the face with a whipped-cream pie.
The recipe called for a simple yellow cake to be split and filled with a whipped-cream filling stabilized with cornstarch and mixed with canned gooseberries.
Corn, sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon, rice and beans, garlic, avocado, and codfish all get whipped into ice cream, as well as what seems like almost every available seasonal fruit, including quenepa, which only exists on the island.
One team fixed two types of fajitas and a fruit smoothie, while the other team whipped up a turkey Sloppy Joe sandwich on a patty made of quinoa, fruit salad with a sour cream and honey dressing and broccoli trees.