Penalties for kidnapping, theft and white-collar crime were also toughened, with longer jail terms prescribed.
In 2001, the census records that more than 80% of residents were white British.
Everything's either black or everything's white, and we're dealing with that as a community.
White bluely bathed in Elysian fields they run, And I don't care what time it is.
The trench itself is just visible from the gates, covered with a windowed white tent.
From here, a short stroll along a white-sand beach offers a good view of Hangman Island.
But the 570, 000 or so immigrants from Portugal, white and Roman Catholic, are fully assimilated.
In its natural state, the white, viscous liquid slides down your gullet with an earthy tang.
Senator HARRY REID (Democrat, Nevada): This is all a distraction by the White House.
As the blade slices, a blizzard of snow-white flakes floats onto an already headhigh mound.
As many as 15% of white students admitted to elite colleges don't meet admissions standards.
It was dense and cut nicely by the outrageously garlicky and salty white sauce served alongside.
We're talking about the profound wealth disparity between women of color and their white peers.
In other words, these women were just as qualified, just as creditworthy as their white counterparts.
But we also know that the rate of marriage among white women tends to be greater.
You can eat dishes such as white sausage and stuffed cabbage on the upper floor.
It floated, small and white, like a dove, a peace offering to my old self.
London has become the first region where white British people have become a minority.
White musicians who started playing jazz included Papa Jack Laine, Sharkey Bonano and Nick LaRocca.
Rio de Janeiro is adding something new into its trademark black-and-white mosaic pavements: QR codes.
There are a few feathers of high white cloud in an otherwise blue sky.
The story of Barking and Dagenham is the story of the white working class EastEnders.
"In the White House they quickly realised that they needed to travel to Oslo, " Mr Lundestad wrote.
Tiger sharks and the occasional great white and whale shark can be seen farther out to sea.
Thankfully, some of Beijing's alleyway architecture is protected these days, with buildings marked by white stone plaques.
This time, my goal was to move to New Zealand: the Land of the Long White Cloud.
It turns out that Cheney and other White House officials attended a secret meeting in March 2004.
This reduction in inequality has a racial component, because 75% of the new middle class is non-white.
At some point, I think it is true that a majority of white women will be married.
Although it also attracts a large number of low-skill migrants, Houston has considerably expanded its white-collar workforce.