Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: In its official response to a popular online petition, the White House says building a Death Star would be an out-of-this-galaxy waste of money.
Sheryl Hall and Betty Lambuth both testified the White House should be able to begin turning out the e-mails in the next few days and have the bulk of the work done in the next few months.
The bill's signing came just 10 hours before the expiry of a deadline for Washington to raise its borrowing limit, after drawn-out talks between Republicans, Democrats and the White House.
At the other, the White House would merely let heirs to family-owned farms and businesses stretch out payments over 14 years, as now, but defer more tax and pay lower interest on it.
This time around, all of the major Democrats -- former Gov. Jim Hunt and former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, for example -- have bowed out of the race, leaving a fairly thin Democratic field.
Is it -- does the White House believe that that mission was in keeping with carrying out the U.N. resolution?
After those talks the White House might convene a second Camp David-style summit with the goal of hammering out and signing a final, comprehensive peace deal.
For its own part, the White House got out front early in the spin cycle, saying the president had won up-or-down votes on three of its previously blocked nominees to the federal appeals bench: Priscilla Owen, William Pryor and Janice Rogers Brown.
And you can report on White House tours, or you can find out what the impacts are out in the real world -- additional impacts are.
In a Republican Party dominated in both House and Senate by white southern males, Mrs Dunn stands out because she is a woman from the north-west and J.
By staking out a position to the left of AIPAC - and in line with the White House's policies - J Street claims it serves as the true voice of American Jewry.
Arizona Gov. Fife Symington held out hope that the White House could be convinced that National Guardsmen should be used to re-open the park, which he argued is essential to his state.
"I am not going to get into a back-and-forth with" Issa, he said, adding that the White House focus was on to find out what "inappropriate activity" occurred, hold responsible who was responsible for "inappropriate, outrageous activity" and ensure it never happens again.
Lead defense attorney Ted Wells portrayed Libby as a fall-guy caught up in a White House effort to protect presidential political adviser Karl Rove, who turned out to be one of the sources for Robert Novak's column on July 14, 2003, that outed Plame.
On the AIDS day issue, did this White House look at any chance, any ways of working with HHS in trying to push more anti-retrovirals out for more AIDS patients and HIV patients?
The White House's cryptically worded statement mentions only that the funds should now go to viable firms--effectively leaving out the fuel-efficiency requirement.
After Vice President Dick Cheney personally intervened to persuade Pawlenty to stay out of the Senate race, the White House has stepped in with assistance in the tight, three-way race to replace Gov. Jesse Ventura.
Its most memorable ad campaign--"Celebrity in a Suitcase" featured folks like the late House Majority Leader Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill and game-show hostess Vanna White popping out of luggage in a motel room-was launched more than a decade ago.